Monday, February 1, 2016


This month may feel like a true new start: January was a matter of going over and over the same conversation. Now this month we can get a start, with Mercury going direct and officially out of the shadow of the Retrograde, and odds are we have learned what we needed to from the past few months.
The first 10 days of the month will feel like Groundhog Day (pun unintended) with the crap from the past 6 weeks; it’s going to a rock’em sock’em start to the month. Then with the New Moon in Aquarius, and the movements of Venus and Mercury into Aquarius as well will grant us a new vision, a new vista to see our world from.
This month is all about healing. Jupiter will be opposite Chiron for a huge chunk of the month, while we are given brand new perspectives on nearly everything in our lives.

ARIES: You’ve gotten a crash course in all things business and career…your standing and reputation in the world. You’ve gained a much-needed savvy, and are cheery picking your friends, allies in a smarter way than before. It’s going to sound odd, but in making sure you are totally set up in every way in regards to your every day nuts & bolts rules and regulations on how you live your life will grant you success.

TAURUS: More focus on the love vibe you’ve been working on for a while now. You’ve also had to contend with a new world view/philosophy that you may not have been totally ready for until now. So expect the rest of the month to be a matter of a refocusing on your career/vibe in the big world out there. What has fallen by the wayside in your quest to move ahead? This is a good month to get noticed.

GEMINI: You have a great big dollop of help here in regards to your work/business life. You’ve had some rough times dealing with your work life in flux, and how you handle your day to day. However it’s all going to come up, and you’ll finally learn the lesson that the cosmos was trying to teach you. You are ready to up your organizational game, as well as rethinking how you think about the world at large. It’s a good month to learn some new rules.

CANCER: Odds are there may have been a project, a class or a some new way of expressing yourself that hasn’t quite gotten to pick of speed due to the messiness of life and dealing with the sundry every day issues that plague you. However now you’ll be able to tap into some stellar creative energy that can feel fated. You have a new point of reference, and your beliefs have shifted. Take the time this month to really get started on what you’ve put off.

LEO: Take some time this month and pay attention to your home or family of origins. I’m thinking that after the past few weeks things may be in disarray, which in no way serves you or helps you out. You’ll be able to tackle this part of your life with great energy and verve. Also, pay attention to your partnerships, romantic entanglements and people you are invariably linked to. There’s going to be a shining light on this part of your life.

VIRGO: You have had quite the ride in regards to love, passion and creativity of the past few weeks; what you have uncovered and learned from this time has been valuable, and totally game changing. What are you ready for next? Your creativity is off the charts, and will continue to go in that direction. Expect some major rift or long standing disagreement with a partner to melt away this month, due to your new perspective.

LIBRA: Money has plagued you for years at this point. I know that can be said about any sign, but it’s highly likely that you learned some hard lessons about worth, getting paid and managing your money. These are lessons embedded in your brain now; however you are smarter now. Whatever gets going this month will have legs in regards to growing your net worth. Great thing is now you are smart enough to know how to handle it.

SCORPIO: Mars in your sign is pinging all over the place on all things Capricorn: you’ll be looking to build big time in your life. This will make you more effective in communications, and how to act like a boss. You are also now seeing what you need to do to make your work/money situation work for you in a way that makes you feel fulfilled, and to stack that cash.

SAGITTARIUS: While you are working on restructuring your place in the world and how people see you, you are also getting a big hit of goodness in regards to you base, to where you come from. There’s much here that may feel odd and unclear. That’s you’ll feel on a gut level. Go with it and see what changes it gives you. Where you may not have felt worthy in regards to your home or family will get a huge, positive shift this month.

CAPRICORN: You’ve had a lot of focus on you and how you show up in the world. This month you get to have a shift into what works with you in regards to what you need in your friendships/relationships. It’ll be incredibly healing as well as eye opening. Pay attention this month to the back and forth vibe about how you see the world, and how communicating what you’ve learned will heal you.

AQUARIUS: Conversations about money will occur quite a bit this month, and you’ll get a lot of help in figuring out how to manage shared resources. No grudging behavior this month; be totally generous of spirit. This month whatever old demons or crappy old belief systems that have held you back will come to the fore, and you’ll be able to finally identify them, and deal with them swiftly.

PISCES: You’ll get to have some help this month due to the fantastic vibe coming from your partners. It’s also a great time to pay attention to your friendships, the group and crew that you are a part of. Is everything running smoothly there, in a positive way for you? You’ll get a push in regards to all things creative and dealing with expansion.

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