Fire and Water. What do these two elements have in common?
These elements will purify you. Fire will burn you clean and Water will wash away the sins.
The Solar Eclipse happening today brings this out, as well as heralds the end of an era and the beginning of a new age. Its the start of the Eclipse series between Scorpio and Taurus. Eclipse series are the dynamic tension between 2 opposite signs on the astrological wheel is played over the course of 18-24 months.
The beginning of an eclipse series highlights the conversations that continuously go on between an astrological “couple”. Each eclipse that happens in a “couple” reacts like a call and response, a conversation or fight between the two signs, if you will.
Like all good couples, these two signs play off of each other, and highlight each others strengths and weaknesses. Scorpios are deep and seeking, while Taurus’s live more on the surface. This series between Scorpio and Taurus could be considered a great relief by air signs and Libras after Saturn being in beautiful but passive aggressive Libra for roughly three years.
Now that Saturn is in Scorpio, everyone can stop being so freaking nice. Or at least trying to be. Maybe now people can say what they really think and feel. Scorpio has no interest in being nice. Scorpio plays hard and for keeps.Oddly enough, so does Taurus. Taurus is not above nasty power plays. Now we can finally let the beast have its way. oh. but wait...
Neptune in watery Pisces has gone direct...soft music and the urge to play the martyr abound.
Magic and mystery are the order of the day...fairy godmothers and magic dust are very real things. Mercury in Scorpio in an intense trine with Neptune makes us all poets and liars.
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