Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Today is a Lunar Eclipse in Gemini. We are coming to the end of the eclipse series between Sagittarius and Gemini, where the last eclipse in the series is happening in Sagittarius in May of 2013.
When there is an eclipse series between Gemini and Sagittarius, there is a lot of chatter. There is a lot of vocal flitting about, debating and questioning, seeking and restlessness. Gemini’s are skilled at conversation, while Sagittarius will ponder, seek and apply the meanings to every discourse that has happened.
Take a minute and think about the types of talks you have had over the past eighteen months. Think about your activities; have you traveled more than before? Have you gone back to school? Have you begun to write more than before? Hell, in the past eighteen months have you been playing more scrabble or doing more crossword puzzles?

Take a minute.

I’m going to guess that you have. Now we are beginning to sum up what we have been doing and talking about. Now we are beginning to find the meaning of it all, and sum it all up. Some of us have found rich experiences, and most importantly, some of us may have found our dormant voices. Now is when we all start talking about our experiences.

What have you learned? What have you learned about love? The love you give, the love you see, the love you seek and the love that is around you?

Love is the focus, given the fact that Venus was in Gemini from late May into early July due to a Venus Retrograde and made a transit over the Sun during it’s eclipse on June 4th.  
Today's eclipse may bring up some unresolved issues from the previous eclipse. At the very least, this eclipse series of late had most of us very focused on love, soul mates and money due to its proximity to Venus, the planet of love and money.

Now Mercury is direct in Scorpio, as well as Saturn and Venus. It is sum up time for us all.

Sex, love, karma and emotional clarity is the order of the day. We have so many planets in death and rebirth oriented Scorpio. Most of us are ready, chomping at the bit to move on and experience the high’s and low’s, to just get through to the other side that may offer us all peace.

The drawing to a close of this Gemini/Sagittarius eclipse series that occurs today can help up do this. We can begin to embark on the next cycle as long as we take the time to talk about all the things we have learned. We need to not feel shy about talking about what we have discovered about ourselves, the world we live in, and the love we have that we carry with us.

It’s the truth that will set us free.

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