Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Oh my, I’m clutching my Pearls.
Because now stern Saturn is getting all sexy like, with Venus sashaying into Scorpio, and being a part of the visit of Saturn and Mercury in Scorpio. We will want to talk dirty, spend money on getaways and toys of all kinds…
We will want to get down where it’s tangled and dark.
It’ll be a lot more fun then you think.

It won’t get weird. The planet of sex, war and I’m-in-charge Mars is in Capricorn. Mars is a co-ruler of Scorpio, and Capricorn is ruled by Saturn. However, because Saturn and Mars are switching out their “kids” to each other, there is a spirit of cooperation. It works, since wild and unruly Mars is in calm, cool Capricorn . Sometimes this planetary combo can warn of battle of wills and control issues, not to mention weird sex and money stuff coming to ahead.
This time we are safe, because the Hugh Heiffner of the Universe has entered the Ring.
May introduce you to Sagittarius, the wild man philosopher of the world, the adventurer, the guy who just wants everything to be cool; “the Dude” to which all good things abide. Sagittarius has endless resources, ideas and thirst for adventure. Lady’s and Gents, The Sun has now entered Sagittarius.
Sometimes when he shows up where there are so many planets in Scorpio, he can kind of egg Scorpio into madness. Not this time, though.
Sagittarius wants us all to explore the weird, the wild and the grand. Sagittarius wants us to learn, to widen our philosophies and just try new things, and to do it with a spirit of adventure.

What we have is this: This combo of Saturn, Mercury and most importantly Venus in sexy Scorpio, with the Sun in Sagittarius is that wild combo of Mya, Pink, Little Kim and Christina Aguilera strutting across the stage in a burlesque club, roaring to the cry;
Of course we can’t forget Missy Elliot acting like Mars in Capricorn, in charge of the scene and regulating us all in our dalliance.

Yes, these planets are sexy, in charge and dropping some knowledge on us mere mortals.

You Ready?

Mocha Choca Lata Yaya

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