Saturday, August 19, 2017
Starstruck Autumn: WEEKLY HOROSCOPES 8/21 - 8/27
Starstruck Autumn: WEEKLY HOROSCOPES 8/21 - 8/27: Hello Starbabies! So everyone is going gonzo over the Solar Eclipse. Magi’s and mystics are coming out of the woodwork with theories ...
Hello Starbabies!
So everyone is going gonzo
over the Solar Eclipse. Magi’s and mystics are coming out of the woodwork with
theories on how to survive this Eclipse. Truth be told, we have been living
this Eclipse all summer; every week has been like an episode in a Netflix
series. It’s been very cool…and also transforming. I know that June seems like
a million years ago. We are getting what we asked for…shift and change. The
cool thing about this Eclipse, this week and this energy is that we can mold
it, make it work for us. We don’t have to be victims of the vibe; we can go
with the tide and let it take us where we need to go.
We can access our inner divinity and inner royalty; it can be a week of luxurious enlightenment.
We can set the sail to
the wind and ride it to our next destination. Don’t have anything planned; well
in that case just enjoy the ride.
keep heating up for you my dear Rams. You are given a few choices this week in
the realms of family, sex, love, creativity and joy. You aren’t the same you
that you were all those moons ago; your desires have changed and you are aware
that things have shifted for you. This week you are ready to burn big and
bright; let others flock to your flame.
that you are feeling something happening for you in regards to how you are
living your everyday life. You are being forced to face things that you know
you need in order to evolve…yet you are being pushed out of a hard won comfort
zone. Just when you thought you could take a breather you find that the
universe has something else in mind. Let change excite you.
that you are in a phase of shifting alliances and relationships… as well as
becoming far more verbal about what it is that you want…rather than your usual
MO of shrugging away discomfort or strife. You are fully present in a way that is
refreshing and culls out your inner genius. You are magnetic and exciting…and
you know it.
plays like the empowerment moment montage from a movie (think “Legally Blond”
or “Rocky”) the scales are off your eyes, and you see clearly. You see where
you have played small and scared, and you also know that you need to exercise
some seductive demon that promises you safety if you just stay quiet. You are
tougher than any old specter or succubus.
LEO SUN/RISING: You’ve got
that sparkle and shine back that you have always been so used to yet it’s a
thing that has been in short supply of late. It’s different now. You are
different now. It can be a challenge or a true gift to be able to fully embrace
your glow and grace, especially now that you know in that dark deep part of
yourself just how fetid things can and DO become. Life has given you a gift.
You are no longer just glitter. Now you are GOLD.
brings a deep shift that you won’t see coming. PLOT TWIST!!! Lol don’t
worry. A year ago this would have sent you into a tailspin...but now you know
better. Now you know that the universe has some sweet golden coins just aching
to rain down upon you. Your deep shift is YOUR secret…you are under no
obligation to share your experience or your secrets with anyone. They belong to
you, and you alone.
your worth, and this is so exciting to me. That dark moon phase was
terrifyingly dark and now you are illuminated. You have come out of this time a
different person; you now know that it is YOU that is incandescent and that
you don’t need to rely on anyone else to light up your way. You have such
magnificent candor that is so very liberating. Live and speak your truth; your
tribe will thank you for it.
finally get some much-needed clarity around your work/ambition flow. The scene
is getting cleared up and you are getting a lot of decisive energy around your
choices around your career and your public image. This week will start you off
on a new long game; make sure that you are super clear and full of integrity
around your next moves. Evolution and loving power shifts is the order of the
it secret? Is it safe?” You have managed to be both Gandalf and Frodo to
yourself in the past few years. You have been forced to go on a journey that
you may not have voluntarily taken in years past…but it’s been necessary and
transformative. Now, the hot question is what are you trying to keep secret and
safe. Could it be your soul? Ponder this.
normally wouldn’t recommend this of any sign or person…but get effing SAVAGE
this week. For you Cappy’s I encourage you to break away from mogul
mode and embrace your inner goat. Get funky and wild. Get Feral. Let yourself
be unrecognizable to yourself. There is a need to embrace some dark energy that
will bring you back from the land of the dead…something has to buried for
good…but with love and forgiveness.
been something lurking around the edges of your awareness around love and sex
and partnership. You will finally be willing to let someone love you. You THINK
that you already do this. However this week will show you how deeply you are
loved just for who you are, and how hard you fight this. Don’t piss off the
people in your life by arguing with them about this. Just let them love you.
take the kind of care of yourself as you should. You know this…in the back of
your mind. This week you will find that self care and organizing your life is
the ultimate act of love. You cannot fully love and heal and embrace those in
your life if you haven’t taken proper care of yourself. It’s a public service
that you do…when you truly love yourself enough to be your best self.
Starstruck Autumn: DO’S AND DON’T FOR THE SOLAR ECLIPSE IN LEO: DO’S AND DON’T FOR THE SOLAR ECLIPSE IN LEO This Solar Eclipse is real deal. It's happening on Monday, 8/21 at 2:30 PM (EST)....
This Solar Eclipse is real
deal. It's happening on Monday, 8/21 at 2:30 PM (EST). I know that the Lunar Eclipse energy has been persistent in stripping
away any illusions that we have about ourselves and the world we live in. The
Lunar Eclipse was in Aquarius, and that sign can often be coldly analytical. It
can also carry shame because of how they live on the fringes…the lone wolf.
Leo is the polar opposite.
Leo NEEDS an audience. Healthy Leo energy is generous, loving and playful.
Warped Leo energy is egomaniacal, grudging and mean.
We of course want to embody
the healthy, happy Leo vibe…right!?!
Another thing that makes this
eclipse super powered is it’s close proximity to Fixed Star Regulus. Regulus is
considered the Heart of the Lion…proud, independent, confident, generous…and
sometimes violent. This star is about conquering and ruling. It’s also about
honor, success and pleasure. So we need to walk a fine line eclipse… a much
more careful tread than most eclipses.
So now you know.
So to make sure that you come
out of this Eclipse in good shape, I have a little list here for you to make
sure that you are able to embody the golden goodness of this energy. The Do’s
and Don’t… read ahead and be prepared.
DO be
generous and open hearted.
DO pay
attention to what turns you on and gets you excited; this is your soul telling
you what you need to focus on.
DO embrace
your inner Diva and your inner Adonis; know how money you are and use that
vibe liberally.
understand that anything you begin now will have long-term effects.
DO be
independent; no one knows your soul’s journey like you do
DO your
Solar Eclipse/New Moon intentions on the day AFTER the eclipse; we will be too
scattered to focus and manifest in clear, healthy ways.
DO believe
in the power of new beginnings no matter what your past looked like. Be ready
to embrace change, happiness and passion
DON’T get
caught up in power struggles or moments of egomania
DON’T fall
into sadness if something doesn’t go your way; there is a divine plan … trust
DON’T lie.
This Solar Eclipse combined with the energy of the Mercury RX will reveal all.
DON’T get
competitive about anything: we are all royalty
DON’T stay
stuck in old ideas of who you are supposed to be
DON’T feel
as if you need to do anything; this is powerful energy and it can be either super
energizing or draining; protect your energy.
DON’T be
afraid to speak your truth.
This energy is powerful; lets
use it to transform our lives and rise up in glorious ways.
Blessed Be,
Sunday, August 13, 2017
Starstruck Autumn: WEEKLY HOROSCOPES 8/14-8/20 - ALLURE
Starstruck Autumn: WEEKLY HOROSCOPES 8/14-8/20 - ALLURE: Hello StarBabies! It’s a brand new week with a whole new vibe. This week has a specific kind of sizzle; it’s not just heat for the sa...
Hello StarBabies! It’s a
brand new week with a whole new vibe. This week has a specific kind of sizzle;
it’s not just heat for the sake of fun. There’s purpose to how we get fired up.
We will definitely be feeling full of energy, vim and vigor thanks to Venus and
Mars both making sassy aspects to Jupiter. We will want to play… but with a
purpose. We also have the Sun in Leo making a masterful trine to Saturn; work
won’t feel like work. However we have
sweet Venus making a risky, perilous yet sexy opposition to Pluto.
Conversations around money and sex will come up…this aspect can be a real rut
buster or have your head spinning. Yes, Mercury is Retrograde…so expect old
conversations, ideas and concepts to come up.
Enjoy the flame and how it
can transform you.
week might have you going over the nuts and bolts of daily life and upgrading
your health, you will also be aware of a shift happening around your
home/family and your partnerships. It doesn’t have to feel weird or crap; it
can just be revelations, conversations and resets that are necessary at this
point. More importantly, you need to figure out that precarious home/work
balance. Remember that it doesn’t have to be some big messy drama…it can be an
easy shift as long as you keep love in your heart.
that you totally are ready for something big to happen…but the hot question is
what is it? You can bang your head against the wall or just relax into the
knowledge that you don’t know…because you DON’T NEED to know everything. You’ll
do better this week if you go in blind and just let yourself gravitate towards
the conversations around what your real desires and ambitions are… not the
one’s that you think you should have.
freedom to you? You don’t really know anymore, do you? All you know right now
is that you are ready for a cool shift. You are finding that there is whole
scene around money, sex and intimacy that is making you SO UNCOMFORTABLE. What
conversations have you had lately that has set the stage for the current atmosphere…or
better yet what conversations did you not complete that needs to be cleaned up?
Do that this week. Shame the devil and tell the truth.
not even TRYING to have dodgy partnerships or rock with the party line anymore.
Luckily you are the very soul of grace and beauty these days….so you can pretty
much get away with murder. You can really create your boundaries in a way that
charms any opponents. At this point, folks want to hitch up to your wagon. You
can really own your magic in ways that intrigue others and makes them WANT to
feel your heat. Yes, right now you are white hot and you finally know
it. Don’t waste this magic mojo.
LEO SUN/RISING: You are going
to need to slow down this week. Like, REALLY slow down. Part of it is because
of the Mercury Retrograde, and the other part of is because you need to harness
your energy for when this Solar Eclipse in your sign happens next week. So take
this week to get clear on what it is that you really want and to pay attention to
the energy drains in your daily life. What aren’t you handling that you know
that you should? Pay attention to how you communicate. Pay attention to what
excites you. That’s a good jump off for you.
love/money reset that is necessary. You could take some time and dream big
about something else coming your way, or you can keep it status quo. Yet you
KNOW that there is something that you don’t quite understand about an issue
around your new way of’s like you have a block. Don’t worry my
dear; this week will grant you clarity and smash that block in a bold, sexy
way. Just surrender to it, and let your clan and crew lead you where you need
to go. Hive mind is key.
feels fated. You will look back at this week as the before everything
changed. You are shifting in ways that no longer feels uncomfortable. Rather,
you are totally surrendering to the flow that you know has needed to happen.
There will be moments of such stunning synchronicity. Perhaps before the timing
was never quite right. Don’t worry, this week the time is ripe. You may not
feel it, or really grasp what it all means this week. But believe me, by the
end of this year you will.
the chance to clean up your reputation this week. Let’s be real for a minute;
Scorpio’s often struggle with not always being seen in the best of lights, and
it’s a shame. However, the thing that happens this week is that you are truly
open to finding out from others what your image really is. You will also have
the chance for one of your planetary rulers (Pluto) to set free the parts of
your life that have been shrouded in mystery for so long; your idea of freedom
and of spiritual mastery will boom this week.
can be stressful for you to have to deal with issues that you feel don’t belong
to you. This is part of your journey towards success and freedom. This week
will help you gain the tools that you know you need to hone in order to get
what you want. So now that we are here with that issue…what is it that you
want? Has this idea shifted for you in some way?
The best part of this week is
that you feel something that you thought was dead come back to life in an
exciting and odd way.
really understands how deep your need for independence really is. You have no interest
in playing by anyone else’s rules, and this is a reality about yourself that
you have REALLY owned in the past decade. Bravo. So here we are with the next
chapter of intimacy and surrender that will ultimately test you in ways that
you are just NOT into. The thing to remember this week is that you can’t gain a
single thing if you don’t share. We aren’t naïve: Life and emotions always
resemble a bargaining table…and it’s not a bad thing.
ready. You are going to get what it is that you have asked for. Connections with
others that will set you on fire. Mystical relationships that can seem shrouded
in fantasy. You have a new feeling and focus around your daily life…you feel a
sense of purpose. You no longer feel as if you are floating on the waves in some
odd sea. No, this week you get reborn and fated meetings will abound. Just make
sure to create better, more loving relationships with money; remember that
money and sex are ALWAYS somehow intertwined.
are pretty much ALWAYS down to jump head first into a scorching hot affair, you
know now that you have too much on the line to do that. However, the temptation
will be so great this week that you will allow yourself to get swept up in
something hot and fun. The key thing now is this: you know how to keep
grounded. You learned this lesson the hard way. You know how to keep your
boundaries in a way that gives you what you need rather than what you crave.
Friday, August 11, 2017
Starstruck Autumn: MERCURY RX – VOIR DIRE
Starstruck Autumn: MERCURY RX – VOIR DIRE: We have yet another Mercury RX upon us; it starts on August 12 and ends on September 3. This Mercury RX will roll around between ...
We have yet another Mercury
RX upon us; it starts on August 12 and ends on September 3. This Mercury RX
will roll around between 11degrees Virgo and 28 degrees Leo. (If your birthday
falls between August 19 and September 3 you will feel this energy in a ripe
If you are a Gemini or Virgo
you might also feel Mercury RX’s since Mercury Rules both of these signs.
So I can go on about the
usual madness that accompanies Mercury Retrogrades… like it’s not always a
great time to move, sign contracts, travel or do anything with electronics or
start a new job because Mercury rules all of these things (he’s the planet of
communications, travel and anything around “mercantile” matters) while life
still has to go on, and you might end up needing to go forth in all of these
matters, I would suggest that you just really pay attention and be prepared for
things to get a little wild. Life is NOT a situation that has guarantees….so we
just need to buckle up and go for it.
It’s easy for us to get frustrated
while all of this is going on…but we need to make sure that we are savvy enough
to make the best of this time; such as going over old projects, cleaning up and
getting our lives in order.
Ok. PSA finished. I really
want to get to the nitty gritty of THIS particular Mercury RX.
So we have been in the shadow
of this particular Mercury RX for a good minute…and I think that we can all
attest to how vicious it’s felt. BTW
the shadow phase usually starts about 3 weeks before the Retrograde even
begins…it’s like the Universe is getting us prepped and primed.
Even me…a watcher of the
cosmos have been stunned by the weird and slightly nasty energy of the shadow.
I think it’s because right around the time that the Mercury RX shadow started
Mars and Saturn was super involved (btw these are two planets that are often
nasty and aggressive)
However once the Retrograde
begins…something interesting begins. While we are all feeling especially edgy
and staring at the world with a gimlet eye…we are also waking up. This Mercury
RX has us unable to do anything but to tell the truth. It’s like this Mercury
RX will behave like a truth serum. It’s can’t be avoided. If we have been
harboring lies in our lives or in our hearts, we will feel compelled to reveal
them. However we will feel any of the nastiness fade…and a deep desire for
honesty and loving clarity will occur.
Why is the day saved?
We can thank Venus, the
planet of love and beauty for this magic.
She’s all over the cosmos this month, making compromises and healing
This Mercury RX is a journey
to the heart of truth and love. It’s going to be dark and scary at times; after
all vulnerability is often just this. However the rewards far outweigh the
dangers of the heart.
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