Sunday, November 1, 2015



This is a busy month. In the upcoming weekly forecasts, New/Full Moon forecasts I will most certainly be getting into details, however I prefer to get to the nitty gritty, the overall vibe of the month.
The big news, the thing really going on this month is that THE SATURN/NEPTUNE SQUARE HAS BEGUN! What is this nonsense I write of? Oh but its not nonsense…you could compare this to the Uranus/Pluto /Cardinal squares that frigging plagued us from 2012 until this past April. Seriously interesting times we are living in. Venus is in Libra for most of the month, as we watch Mars follow Venus into Libra. It’ll get darker than you think because both planets will link up to Black Moon Lilith.. Not to mention triggering yet another Cardinal Cross…Yeah, it’s about to get darker than you realize.
The North Node shifts into Virgo, moving us into a place of integrity, perfection and cleanliness. The Full Moon in Gemini is a highlight on what will be our saving grace during the next year or so of mutable squares/T-squares. (Hint: we got a preview of it during the New Moon in Gemini this past June)

Dig in.

ARIES SUN/RISING: Alright! It’s time to get real this month about your cash money, in particular in tandem with shared resources. There’s bound to be more me/we talks going on this month, but you are in a better place for it now than you have been.  Now true partnership is what you seek, willingness if you will. These are old talks, you know. Keep an eye out for the end of the month where Saturn makes a Square to Neptune: pay attention that your philosophies and mind set truly come from a higher place, from your best self.

TAURS SUN/RISING: Who loves you pretty baby? I bet someone does, just maybe not in the way that you would like. Interpersonal intensity is what is going on here…radical intimacy that you can’t get away from. Don’t be scared. If there isn’t someone in the picture, than I can pretty much promise you there is an unexpected lover waiting in the wings. My advice? Listen to “Not a Bad Thing” by my boo Justin Timberlake over and over… until you get it.

GEMINI SUN/RISING: You thought your days of 6 am runs and healthy smoothies were over? You thought you hit that target weight? HA!!! Welcome back to the ghost of Saturn Past in your 6th house. This is a reminder that the good habits you began 2012-2014/15 are meant to stay with you for the rest of your life. No slacking. But luckily you have Mars and Venus looking to not only make your home life righteous, but then to infuse some real love and happiness into all that you do.

CANCER SUN/RISING:  Loving this month for you Cancer. You will really be able to play. Sure you are busy with an overhaul of health and home/family, but it’ll be a good one…more out of a desire for authenticity rather than meeting an external challenge. You aren’t taking any sh#t…but you are learning to see what is the truth behind the dysfunction and meet it with compassion rather than ire. It’s nice to be the evolved one in the group, you know? Besides, you are too busy with your projects to be worried about the madness.

LEO SUN/RISING: It’s about roots and family this month, not to mention the desire to get your head together while you are dealing with your cash/money situation.  However, this doesn’t last too long. Rather, you will find yourself on your quest to become fully self expressed…you will find yourself immersed in love of some kind of another as well as looking for fun and joy. I would listen to “Save the last dance for me” while you envision the kind of love that you really want.

VIRGO SUN/RISING: Venus and Mars start out the month joining up in your 1st house, then move on into your 2nd house of money, self worth and value etc. Think about that…and recognize it’s a hang over from the days of the Cardinal crosses. No biggie, just a refresher course. There’s a focus on your communications this month as well as a bit of a movement into your home/family zone. Could you be expecting the pitter-patter of lil feet? OR is it more a focus on career? Either way you are thinking of the future, and your legacy in one-way or another.

LIBRA SUN/RISING: Well my darling you will get a break from the shadows of Jupiter/Mars/Venus in your 12th house of secrets, subconscious and psychic healing with Venus/Mars moving into your 1st house. You will be fabulous, so money you don’t even realize it. Speaking of money, Mercury and the Sun in your 2nd house will have you really focused on your income, making money and earning your worth. You are finally starting to get it, and not a moment too soon. With the Saturn/Neptune squares, you’ll find the more streamlined you are the better your payday.

SCORPIO SUN/RISING: You have been a busy bee the past few months, being social, working etc. However it may be time to draw back, just a little bit. Just enough to look at yourself; get in touch with really drives the machine. The reason for this is because with the Sun & Mercury being in your 1st house you really will be center stage. The thing about the Saturn/Neptune Square will be about the balance between your money  & values and your creativity/love life. You may realize that it you don’t have to give, you just have to be.

SAGITTARIUS SUN/RISING: There’s softness to this month for you. Venus/Mars making a lovely sextile to your sun/rising and the Sun and Mercury hiding out in your house of deep psychic healing will serve to light the way. Community will be a huge help for you here. With Saturn in your 1st house, you are contemplating how you appear to be with the world. Once the Sun hits your 1st house, you’ll be able to go forth and use this energy to move you forward.

CAPRICORN SUN/RISING: This a great month for going for the gold. You will be busy with friends, your group and community. Odds are you and your tribe are going to be especially high octane. You are beginning to see that no man is an island, and really embracing all that your community has to offer. Towards the end of the month things will slow down enough for you to see what kind of spiritual conversion that is going on behind the scenes. If you don’t know what I mean now, your spirit guides’ll clue you in sooner than later.

AQUARIUS SUN/RISING: You’ll be able to live with the goodness of the Sun in Scorpio (or any sign in Scorpio for that matter!) since Saturn has strode into Sagittarius. Take this month to really up your game on the work front, and in your place in the big wide world. Are you ready to strut? It’s a good month for that. You’ll find this a great time for upping the ante in your professional life. You could feel yourself headed to social good times at the end of the month. You’ll also find yourself thinking of the big wide world out there that may be calling to you…

PISCES SUN/RISING: Restless you go looking for the land of honey and milk (metaphorically speaking). What else calls to you these days? What message are you waiting for? The green light for ultimate freedom that was denied you for 2 long years? Well now you can do so…and with a different perception. Could being free and successful not be mutually exclusive? Could you indeed find a way to bend your working world towards your dreams and your true self? This is a good month to suss that out.

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