Tuesday, November 24, 2015


This Full Moon is a rough one. Even though it’s a Full Moon in a Mercury ruled sign, this Full Moon has Neptune and Saturn all over it. It’s because of the Saturn/Neptune Square going on a day after the Full Moon.
All I can say is for you guys to gird your loins this week. So much is going on between the Full Moon in Gemini, the first of 3 Saturn/Neptune squares and Chiron going direct. Basically watch the things you thought you know being turned around…and you may find you are a stranger in a strange land. Any delusions/delusional way of thinking will have a bright light shining on it.
I had mentioned in my post of the New Moon in Gemini, that in our approaching few years of mutable domination that the action was going to be between Sagittarius, Virgo and Pisces, creating a Mutable T-square, and that the pressure was going to fall on Gemini, that last leg that would create a full mutable cross.
So. This Full Moon, like the new moon in Gemini back in May, can show how the weight, the lesson, the method of getting through the trials, travels and evolutionary aspects of the next few years. However, the stakes are higher now, like the universe chiding us for not knowing better.
Anyway, check out how this Full Moon is going to treat you. Remember, what lessons you learn is what you should take with you over the next few years. You may need to un-learn some things, and see how it may just free you.

ARIES SUN/RISING: The focus here for you is that thing between your idea of communication and handling sibling relationships, not to mention needing some time to focus on what is happening in your psyche…you know you cant get settled until then. However you are also dealing with some serious shifts in how you see your world. “There’s more to your philosophy than you think”… it could be scary. Just remember that your key word here is communication. Keep in a steady flux and stream of conversation. See what’ll do for you.

TAURUS SUN/RISING: I’m thinking that you are in a position where you are finding that your word is in conflict with your earning. Are you behaving in perfect integrity? What is missing here? Once you can figure out how you value yourself, everything may click along. There’s some go between with your community and your idea’s of the darker parts of things. Are you facing the need for a serious evolution? You can only get through it with a solid steady crew. Don’t think you deserve it, too proud for help? Oh darling, don’t be silly!

GEMINI SUN/RISING: Here the Full Moon shines the light on yourself, the way that you express yourself in the world. Then you have the whole thing between your main partnerships and how you show up in the world. Can you get your partner/alliances to help you get to the next point of your life? Are the most important people in your life ones that have your back? If not, don’t hesitate to shed them or recreate the terms of the relationship into one that serves you.

CANCER SUN/RISING:  There’s some stuff happening for you in your psyche that you might need to get a handle on. As a matter of fact, your past life/ unexplained hunches could be your super power. You know that you need to get your work life together to make your dreams come true: figuring out what is going on in the background cans show you how you might sabotage yourself. The eclipse is happening in your 12th house…the house of self-undoing. Get how you are messing yourself up? Not yet? Soon you will.

LEO SUN/RISING: The beauty of this Full Moon for you is that you need to identify the circumstances of next big project. But odds are you aren’t feeling the usual joie de vie that you usually do.  The way you feel about something you were passionate about has cooled…you might need to make sure that you are acting with integrity, as well as making sure that you get quality time with your solid team of people. It will rejuvenate you. But keep an eye out for dissention among the ranks.

VIRGO SUN/RISING: Home, work and your partnerships are under a different light this Full Moon. Either super murky or so bright it hurts. It’s a juggle, nothing that you aren’t used to. However the circumstances of this Full Moon is making clear to you that just getting through won’t do the trick, not this time around. You need to make some decisions about your home and family, your partnerships and your standing in the world. What happens this Full Moon will give you a sneak peak at what to expect.

LIBRA SUN/RISING: You are in peak form, feeling full of vim and vigor, planning hard for a future. Everything you are doing now is for the future, if you realize that now or not. This Full Moon you want to stay holed up, working on your projects or just even in your ivory tower. However, you are going to have to talk to people, and deal with the world at large. Forced into conversation? Stay quiet and absorb. Be a la spongy…what you pick up will be challenging but necessary.

SCORPIO SUN/RISING: There is going to be some serious digging this time around. You may be forced into the light, some secret that will be exposed or a lie that has taken flight. Or you might need to hide away. However the mix between making sure your money situation is impeccable and your desire to tap into creating something magical has you at a loss…getting real about your motivations could be your ace in the hole. Remember that money and desire go hand in hand. Is it about power? Ask yourself that.

SAGITTARIUS SUN/RISING: Your partnerships are highlighted here. Are they helpful to you? Do they sustain you? What is it that you don’t know about contracts or desires of those you team up with? Can you be your true self? Can you rely on these people so you can begin to build a true base, one that can stand up to any test or challenge? Pay attention to those you depend on. If they are solid, don’t hesitate to let them know how important they are.

CAPRICORN SUN/RISING: You might get a little crazy with this Full Moon. It’s going to be hard for you to see the forest for the trees, and might get a little caught up in the minutiae of your life. You are going to hit a turning point in regards to work/health/communications, and you are going to have to use your gut and intuition to help you navigate these choppy waters. Whatever happens is meant to help you hone your skills, to get you over the hump of where you may be languishing now.
AQUARIUS SUN/RISING: Here you have the makings for a bit of a wild Full Moon. You’ll want what you want and you’ll take it. You have an almost manic desire for joy, creativity, to be around children and to be part of a loud happy group of people. Your sense of self worth is mirroring your desire to let it all hang out. You are seeing how you can switch up the social aspect of your life with a little bit of guts and daring.

PISCES SUN/RISING:  This Full Moon is going to target your desire for a solid home base, and fortune/fame. What has to be made totally functional in order to boost your standing in the world? You want to solidify your place in the world, but there are some things in regards to your family and home that needs to be hammered out. Don’t skimp here. Getting it lined up could make or break you.

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