Tuesday, November 24, 2015


Starstruck Autumn: FULL MOON IN GEMINI: WHAT YOU THINK YOU KNOW: This Full Moon is a rough one. Even though it’s a Full Moon in a Mercury ruled sign, this Full Moon ha...


This Full Moon is a rough one. Even though it’s a Full Moon in a Mercury ruled sign, this Full Moon has Neptune and Saturn all over it. It’s because of the Saturn/Neptune Square going on a day after the Full Moon.
All I can say is for you guys to gird your loins this week. So much is going on between the Full Moon in Gemini, the first of 3 Saturn/Neptune squares and Chiron going direct. Basically watch the things you thought you know being turned around…and you may find you are a stranger in a strange land. Any delusions/delusional way of thinking will have a bright light shining on it.
I had mentioned in my post of the New Moon in Gemini, that in our approaching few years of mutable domination that the action was going to be between Sagittarius, Virgo and Pisces, creating a Mutable T-square, and that the pressure was going to fall on Gemini, that last leg that would create a full mutable cross.
So. This Full Moon, like the new moon in Gemini back in May, can show how the weight, the lesson, the method of getting through the trials, travels and evolutionary aspects of the next few years. However, the stakes are higher now, like the universe chiding us for not knowing better.
Anyway, check out how this Full Moon is going to treat you. Remember, what lessons you learn is what you should take with you over the next few years. You may need to un-learn some things, and see how it may just free you.

ARIES SUN/RISING: The focus here for you is that thing between your idea of communication and handling sibling relationships, not to mention needing some time to focus on what is happening in your psyche…you know you cant get settled until then. However you are also dealing with some serious shifts in how you see your world. “There’s more to your philosophy than you think”… it could be scary. Just remember that your key word here is communication. Keep in a steady flux and stream of conversation. See what’ll do for you.

TAURUS SUN/RISING: I’m thinking that you are in a position where you are finding that your word is in conflict with your earning. Are you behaving in perfect integrity? What is missing here? Once you can figure out how you value yourself, everything may click along. There’s some go between with your community and your idea’s of the darker parts of things. Are you facing the need for a serious evolution? You can only get through it with a solid steady crew. Don’t think you deserve it, too proud for help? Oh darling, don’t be silly!

GEMINI SUN/RISING: Here the Full Moon shines the light on yourself, the way that you express yourself in the world. Then you have the whole thing between your main partnerships and how you show up in the world. Can you get your partner/alliances to help you get to the next point of your life? Are the most important people in your life ones that have your back? If not, don’t hesitate to shed them or recreate the terms of the relationship into one that serves you.

CANCER SUN/RISING:  There’s some stuff happening for you in your psyche that you might need to get a handle on. As a matter of fact, your past life/ unexplained hunches could be your super power. You know that you need to get your work life together to make your dreams come true: figuring out what is going on in the background cans show you how you might sabotage yourself. The eclipse is happening in your 12th house…the house of self-undoing. Get how you are messing yourself up? Not yet? Soon you will.

LEO SUN/RISING: The beauty of this Full Moon for you is that you need to identify the circumstances of next big project. But odds are you aren’t feeling the usual joie de vie that you usually do.  The way you feel about something you were passionate about has cooled…you might need to make sure that you are acting with integrity, as well as making sure that you get quality time with your solid team of people. It will rejuvenate you. But keep an eye out for dissention among the ranks.

VIRGO SUN/RISING: Home, work and your partnerships are under a different light this Full Moon. Either super murky or so bright it hurts. It’s a juggle, nothing that you aren’t used to. However the circumstances of this Full Moon is making clear to you that just getting through won’t do the trick, not this time around. You need to make some decisions about your home and family, your partnerships and your standing in the world. What happens this Full Moon will give you a sneak peak at what to expect.

LIBRA SUN/RISING: You are in peak form, feeling full of vim and vigor, planning hard for a future. Everything you are doing now is for the future, if you realize that now or not. This Full Moon you want to stay holed up, working on your projects or just even in your ivory tower. However, you are going to have to talk to people, and deal with the world at large. Forced into conversation? Stay quiet and absorb. Be a la spongy…what you pick up will be challenging but necessary.

SCORPIO SUN/RISING: There is going to be some serious digging this time around. You may be forced into the light, some secret that will be exposed or a lie that has taken flight. Or you might need to hide away. However the mix between making sure your money situation is impeccable and your desire to tap into creating something magical has you at a loss…getting real about your motivations could be your ace in the hole. Remember that money and desire go hand in hand. Is it about power? Ask yourself that.

SAGITTARIUS SUN/RISING: Your partnerships are highlighted here. Are they helpful to you? Do they sustain you? What is it that you don’t know about contracts or desires of those you team up with? Can you be your true self? Can you rely on these people so you can begin to build a true base, one that can stand up to any test or challenge? Pay attention to those you depend on. If they are solid, don’t hesitate to let them know how important they are.

CAPRICORN SUN/RISING: You might get a little crazy with this Full Moon. It’s going to be hard for you to see the forest for the trees, and might get a little caught up in the minutiae of your life. You are going to hit a turning point in regards to work/health/communications, and you are going to have to use your gut and intuition to help you navigate these choppy waters. Whatever happens is meant to help you hone your skills, to get you over the hump of where you may be languishing now.
AQUARIUS SUN/RISING: Here you have the makings for a bit of a wild Full Moon. You’ll want what you want and you’ll take it. You have an almost manic desire for joy, creativity, to be around children and to be part of a loud happy group of people. Your sense of self worth is mirroring your desire to let it all hang out. You are seeing how you can switch up the social aspect of your life with a little bit of guts and daring.

PISCES SUN/RISING:  This Full Moon is going to target your desire for a solid home base, and fortune/fame. What has to be made totally functional in order to boost your standing in the world? You want to solidify your place in the world, but there are some things in regards to your family and home that needs to be hammered out. Don’t skimp here. Getting it lined up could make or break you.

Thursday, November 19, 2015


Starstruck Autumn: VENUS SQUARE PLUTO: DARK LOVE: Libra’s got a bit of an attitude these days. I think it’s great…a lot of iron fist in velvet glove stuff going on. Libra rolls over a littl...


Libra’s got a bit of an attitude these days. I think it’s great…a lot of iron fist in velvet glove stuff going on. Libra rolls over a little too much, I think. However not these days. The bad side about this is you need to be able to look beyond the smile and charm to see what’s really going on.
Black Moon Lilith and Venus made a conjunction (dark sexuality abounds!) in the beginning of the week. Maybe the fuzzy handcuffs were substituted with real ones…maybe that wax was made too hot on purpose
We’ve got Mars in Libra as well, so there’s a demand for the finer behaviors. Libra can be scary because you don’t always see them coming. They have that smooth smile, that beguiling charm. Pay attention people. It’s about to go down.
On friday, 11/20 Venus in Libra is going to be making a square to Pluto in Capricorn. Venus making a square to Pluto is an odd one, especially since Venus is in her home sign of Libra. The desire for love, for civility and fairness is going to be very real. Venus here wants to be loved. Remember Glenn close in Fatal Attraction?  “Steven I will not be ignored!”  
Venus will NOT be ignored. But Pluto will not be manipulated. This aspect brings out the worst in these two.
There’s going to be a LOT of weirdness around power…stuff like who is in charge, who is on top etc.  Someone might want you on your knees…or it could be you cracking a whip unnecessarily to make a point. Or could there be some dark obsession winding its way through your life?
However, anything involving Pluto offers a breakthrough (breakdown?) and a revelation. Pluto is all about slogging through the filth and mire to get to the other side, where a new you is born. It’s a rather icky baptism. Sometimes it’s through literal crap (think Andy Dufrense wading through the sewers of Shawshank to gain his freedom) or a trial by fire. Pay attention to what you are desperate for, and make a point… NO make it your mission to let that sh*t go. Don’t get pulled down into the dark…evolve and shed my dears.
It could be tempting to roll over to keep the status quo, but Mars in Libra won’t let things go down that way, not to mention the Sun & Mercury will move into Sagittarius, which is a Scooby Doo influence…where you figure out who the bad guys really are. Stay evolved, and stay OUT of power plays. Neptune moving direct in Pisces can give you some perspective (which is weird because Pisces NEVER does that) that there is more to every story than you suppose. Think long game here. The Sagittarius vibe will be helpful there.

Through this, look to Sagittarius. Look to the truth. It won’t let you down.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015


Starstruck Autumn: NEW MOON IN SCORPIO: RESURRECTION: I gotta be honest here folks. After the past 3 years of the Saturn/Scorpio transit I’m having a rough time wrapping my head around the ...


I gotta be honest here folks. After the past 3 years of the Saturn/Scorpio transit I’m having a rough time wrapping my head around the very idea that anything Scorpionic could be good. I know, it’s not fair or healthy, but here I am.
What I am gleaning from the astrological configurations of this New Moon is that in the way that it is so magical, powerful, positive and transformative is Scorpio’s way of mending fences…or coming back from the dead. Which quite frankly makes sense, since Scorpio is the sign that has resurrections and coming back from the dead down to an art form. Something that we thought was dead and gone is back, better than before.
In addition we have Mercury in Scorpio, with the New Moon making an awesome sextile to Jupiter in Virgo, which is key for getting blessings from the universe to set forth. All Jupiter really wants is for us to be happy. 
This New Moon also makes a trine to Chiron...this is nice in the way that what comes our way during this New Moon will offer some kind of healing. Something will be released with love and grace...not with fingernails scraping at brick, trying to hold onto something that should be long gone.

Where does Scorpio live in your chart? There are some older themes with a new slant. This is where you can expect an unexpected resurrection…something you thought was dead and gone will come back to life in a new and unfamiliar form. It may be hard to accept this new form it comes in, but count it as a boon from the universe.

Say thank you with grace, gratitude and humor.

ARIES SUN/RISING: A fresh approach to intimacy and sharing the deepest parts of yourself. You’ll never owe someone here…just share of you and see what magic can happen.
TAURUS SUN/RISING: Your relationships…maybe you can trust other people more than you thought you could. Is there someone that is waiting to partner up with you? No man is an island. Make this your mantra.
GEMINI SUN/RISING: Instead of being forced to handle day-to-day details and being healthy, maybe you really want to. You do want freedom...being razor sharp is a way to go. Its part of your evolution.
CANCER SUN/RISING: In the past 2 years you may have lost some of your heat. Could you have considered your spicy vibe a liability? Now you see the power in your strong hot vibe.
LEO SUN/RISING: Your home & family has been albatross…could you see the benefit now, and how what has been a cross to bear could be the thing that sustains you?
VIRGO SUN/RISING: Your friendships/sibling/cousin relationships have shifted, not to mention your communication/travel desires. There’s going to be a conversation that will wake you up, fuel you and make you such a lovely gift to the people in your life.
LIBRA SUN/RISING:  Money, value in what you do and in what you think you deserve has taken a hit, made you feral in regards to your resources. You are fed up. This New Moon will show you your secret power, what makes you special…and why you can name your own price.
SCORPIO SUN/RISING: There’s been a specific kind of drudgery that has occurred for you in many ways, as well as a narrowing of focus that could very well have been the making of you. This New Moon will show you a whole new facet of yourself.
SAGITTARIUS SUN/RISING: Your deepest healing had brought old nasties that have lurking around to the forefront. It’s made you brave…kinda like Buffy the Vampire Slayer. With this New Moon you aren’t on the defense of these beasties. You hunt them down.
CAPRICORN SUN/RISING: You may have felt lonely…where did your friends go? What was your community? Did you need a refresher course on how to be part of a community, and enjoy friendships? This New Moon makes you in charge of your group in new way.
AQUARIUS SUN/RISING:  I’m sure there’s some bedrock that has your fingernails and blood staining it. Climbing…while dealing with slander. This New Moon will put you in a benevolent spotlight. Folks who gave up on you will change their minds.
PISCES SUN/RISING: Did you feel like the world was dark, with loose silken ropes around your ankles? The reason for that was you needed a wee bit of grounding. Now that you know what you need to live in the big wide open, you can do so.

Sunday, November 8, 2015


Starstruck Autumn: THIS WEEK IN THE STARS: AUSPISCIOUS BEGINNINGS: I’m amped up about this week. First we have the Moon in Scorpio making sextiles to Jupiter in Virgo, and Pluto in Capricorn…these are r...


I’m amped up about this week. First we have the Moon in Scorpio making sextiles to Jupiter in Virgo, and Pluto in Capricorn…these are rainmaker aspects. Then we have the New moon in Scorpio on Wednesday, and this is a nicely aspected New Moon as well. It’s a nice change, since the last 2 New Moons in Scorpio lived under that dark Saturn energy. But this New Moon offers so many lovely gifts… The day after on Thursday the NN moves into Virgo, and Mars moves into Libra. It’s a nice shift that offers positive change with minimal collateral damage. It’s nice for a change, right?

ARIES SUN/RISING: How much of your energy, your chi do you fritter away just to prove that you can? What are you, some energy baller? Well actually yes you are, but I think sometimes you waste it on silliness. The New Moon in Scorpio will set you to rights in that category. Pay attention to work/daily/health issues…keep it clean and simple. As for relationships, someone who has been waiting for the moment to assert themselves will…and the name of the relationship/partnership game changes. Pay attention.

TAURUS SUN/RISING:  Have you been indulging in your appetites a bit more than you should be? Maybe you have been…but right now you need to really roll around in pleasure and hedonism. You’ve got some old karmic bull you’ve got to burn off, and right now the only way to do it is to “die the little death”. Sex will be your conduit to enlightenment and evolution. You’ll see what I’m talking about. I’m giving you permission for the next 6 months to do IT. No more stiff upper lip. That’s for the birds.

GEMINI SUN/RISING: You may need to be completely clear on what you want right now. Get your game face on and get focused. There’s a lot at stake for you these days, with your partnerships, home and career houses lit up and about to enter into a stand off. More importantly, be very clear as to who you are and how you show up in your life. Authenticity and Integrity are the only way to go these days. Your word is your bond.

CANCER SUN/RISING: A few key things are happening for you this week that may change the name of the game. 1) Your life of wearing gray, being a general drudge is done. This week will break down some walls for you. 2) You’ve got something to say. Your are about to embark on some karmic, mind-blowing creativity. YOU HAVE TO CREATE. Be it a child, a story or a building, you have no choice. 3) Be ready for mobility. You are about to embark on some serious trips, metaphysical and real world. This week will light the way.

LEO SUN/RISING: How do you show up in your family/roots/foundation? What about your home life needs a shift? You don’t know? This week will light it up and shift you into a magnificent change. However, I think that this week will be mostly about your conversations. So many conversations that your ears may feel numb. Conversation is an energy exchange, so right now you will crave these interactions, and it’ll be a great way to pull you out of some of the feelings of darkness that may pull at you.

VIRGO SUN/RISING: Cash Rules Everything Around Me. C.R.E.A.M.  Ok now that I’m done with my Wu-Tang reference, I hope this is self-explanatory. It’s helpful to you that you know you are a rock star. You’ve got strut and swag these days…especially since you’ve got the gift of gab this week. Media/publishing/travel projects? This week gives you some good luck… as well as the necessary energy to push something into the world. Your words carry more weight than you know.

LIBRA SUN/RISING: You’ve got the goods you know. The past few weeks have been about how you will get healthy, mentally and physically. You have crossed a chasm of some kind, I’m willing to wager. Now you get to move forward with strut and sass, and an evolved awareness of self worth that will display itself in everything you do. I’m excited for you. Man oh man are you going to put some starch in someone’s knickers sooner than later. Use this week as the jump off for the creation of your next phase. The world is waiting.

SCORPIO SUN/RISING: Thank you Scorpio for being so patient. For knowing something better is on the horizon. For being aware that there is a beautiful new start. This week will be the heralding of your new time. Consider this a cosmic Quincinera, or being crowned Prom King, with the absence of haters. You are in a prime place for being the best version of yourself, and the world is so happy to see it. Just know it’s only a step forward, and to be ready for more.

SAGITTARIUS SUN/RISING: The next two weeks will be about you finding a quiet place, a supportive place. How does your community, your people nourish you? This will be a prime time to suss that out for yourself.  However, you need to do it fast because all eyes are on you. Seriously. Get your entourage together, and know who are the people who have your back because this week kicks off a 2-year journey of how you show up in the world, in public and your career. If you were to get a publicist it wouldn’t be crazy. Get your image and goals aligned.

CAPRICORN SUN/RISING: You’ve been so busy but you are about to get even busier than you have been. You’ve got your career sector lit up, as well as your social sector. It’s going to be a fun episode of time of movement, enjoying accolades as well as meeting new people. Since you’ve been going through quite the evolution in the past few years, you may need to re-set some friendships in a way that is empowering. Some folks may need to be clued in who you are now.

AQUARIUS SUN/RISING:  Clarity isn’t preferred here. It’s a necessity. You’ve got a great space to deal with a new way of showing your best side that brings you the credit and love that you deserve. However you also have had to cope with slogging away, trimming of the fat that left you bleeding and a certain kind of loneliness. Going forward you’ve got a great space of seeing what the universe can offer. Learn how to accept unsolicited gifts gracefully. That will be your lesson for the next 2 years.

PISCES SUN/RISING: Deju Vu? Maybe a little? Could there be a cycle that is reoccurring or something about you and the way that you do things that needs to be exercised? Probably. It may be a blind spot for you right now, but I would pay attention to your desire for expansion as a way to gather enough momentum to escape from those old ghosts that want to suck you dry.  If anyone can orchestrate an escape a la Houdini, it’s y