I think that it is normal to blame all the crazy-ness of late on Mercury Retrograde. I mean, yes it’s true that this Mercury Retrograde probably asked more of you than you thought it would. Perhaps your closet is clean and your demons from the past are wrassaled with to the point where they no longer menace you…at least not as much.
The good news is that you probably aren’t as scared of the dark as you were before.
I hope you all know that this brief reprieve isn’t it. It’s time for the next step in your evolution. It comes in the form of…
A fish.
A fish? Wait, wait let me explain. Neptune is moving direct on Wednesday, November 13th into Pisces (the sign of the fish) The good thing about Neptune going direct is that it will be easier to get in touch with your intuition, your creative and artistic urges. This will also make sure that you have a stronger connection to your spiritual side.
On the (possibly) down side, Neptune going direct will make things fuzzy… you’ll need to make sure you are using your intuition to your best advantage to see things as clear as you can.
Neptune will spend much of this week making trines to planets in fellow water signs (Jupiter in Cancer, Saturn/Mercury in Scorpio) These trines will take the edge off the intensity of the most recent activities; if there is a sour taste left in your mouth due to the Mercury Retrograde/Solar Eclipse in Scorpio, these soft trines will ease it out, and remind you of the progress you have already made.
A trine in Astrology is a soft angle that allows things to flow in a mostly positive manner. Sometimes trines can encourage lazy behavior…but since Scorpio is in the mix, I’m going to rule that possibility out.
Venus will make a conjunction to Pluto, inviting conversations about sex, ownership and values, while Venus will square Uranus. This will be akin to Venus chiding Uranus on his bluster and force; whatever irritates you beyond all reason is where this square will be happening.
Not so bad, huh?
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