Friday, November 15, 2013


What do you value?

This Full Moon in Taurus happens on Sunday, 7:16 am on November 17th. The kind of planetary configuration that ushers in this Full Moon is earthy and resolute. We are still in the thick of Scorpio Season, with watery trines and Venus and Pluto pairing up in Capricorn… things are being set in motion…shaking us up and making us have to actually DO things. If we haven’t initiated any changes, the world around us has been forcing our hands. Venus is the ruler of Taurus, so the dynamic between Venus and Capricorn will be rubbing off on this Full Moon, making it full of a terrible beauty and glaring truth. This moon also opposes Saturn in Scorpio; little room for anything but what is real.

This Full Moon occurs roughly 30 days after the Lunar Eclipse in Aries that occurred on October 18th. Usually Lunar Eclipses bring big news; if you didn’t have a big event or an    “a-ha” moment during the Lunar Eclipse, chances are you may have it during this Full Moon. Sometimes Eclipse news happens a month to day after the Eclipse.

This Full Moon may also bring to completion the fresh start you may have begun at the May 9th Solar Eclipse; keep an eye out for any big news. Think back to May; what did you begin or dream up during that time?

This Full Moon isn’t terribly interested in what you’ve got going on inside of you. Taurus moon might roll it’s eyes at any kind of existential issues; this moon wants to deal with the here and now. The Taurus moon wants to dance, to laugh to shop, to eat, to have sex. The Taurus moon knows it’s worth, and is often times irritated by the masses that just have no concept of their own worth. This moon shakes his head at how people whore themselves out, and belly ache about leaving situations that are no good for them. This Full Moon is waaaay to sensible to worry about anything beyond the tangibles; if it can’t be handled by the 5 senses, does not benefit your purposes or is useless in life, than it has no use.
Taurus here is much like Scorpio energy; adapt at discarding crap that will NEVER do them any good.
I think that if this Full Moon in Taurus could have a password here it would be VALUE. What is the value of your life? What do you value? Why do you value what you do? How much do you value yourself?
This isn’t a searching kind of Full Moon. If there are places in your life that you are merely settling or where you are unappreciated, this moon will point it out, then move along. This isn’t the kind of moon that will demand you get rid of these things; it will let you make that choice yourself, but will scoff at you for dragging around dead weight.

But don’t worry; it won’t hurt. You’ll be dancing the pain away.

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