Friday, July 5, 2013


Guess who’s coming to dinner?

Saturn is back from his long, leisurely retrograde period that began back in February. I would like to say that this Saturn retrograde had made your life marginally easier than before, but with all this planetary stuff going on I would be lying. Nope… but if you are living on planet earth, the chances that each and every one of you is going through crazy soul rocking changes is high.
Saturn coming direct on July 8th (day of the New Moon in Cancer) merely ups the ante. Feelings have been running high and hot for a while, with one day ripe with breakthroughs, and another day were everything feels as if it’s falling apart. At times its as if we are floating or rocking through life. The days of ease are now over, no matter how hard we fight it or how tight we tuck into a soft robe and clutch a large glass of wine.
What we need is a hard dose of reality, and Saturn is going to do just that. Saturn will also give us stability.
Oh, wait. Saturn is currently in Scorpio. Scorpio can’t help but stir things up. Scorpio will never sit quiet in a corner unless she’s plotting your demise.  Scorpio is intense. 
Now Saturn isn’t here to bust your chops or make your life a living hell. Saturn needs you to understand that you probably aren’t working hard enough, aren’t living up to your true potential and need to fix some stuff in your life.  Wherever Saturn falls in your chart or in relation to your Sun sign, that is where he is kicking your chair and making you stand at attention. Saturn wants you to be realistic about your life; he just can’t stand to see us waste ourselves on things, pursuits and habits that are false and damaging.  The harder you resist him or try to ignore him, the more he’s going to rattle your cage until you listen to him and agree. Saturn is obsessed about time, and chances are will make you freak about how much time you have wasted in your life.
Now that he is back in action, just do yourself a huge favor and listen to him. Saturn will let you know how bad you are doing by taking away the things that weaken and diminish you.  Saturn will show you the flaws in any plan by giving you endless setbacks. Whatever in your life that is stilted and painful Saturn is there. Pay attention, Times a wastin’.

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