Monday, July 1, 2013

July Forecast-HOLD ON

The Summer of Transformation is upon us, even if we are ready or not.

This past June…It was a nice sweet ride, wasn’t it? We ended June on a lovely note, with 4 heavenly bodies in Cancer, and that awesome Grand Water Trine happening…making life just seem so much sweeter and easier then we have had in so long.

We need times like that, to remind us that life doesn’t have to be all struggle.
July, on the other hand will grant us the lovely gift of getting it all off our chests. No nicey-nice conversations or handholding. The universe wants us to vent our spleen, and to get it all out on the mat. You have something you need to deal with? Issues that you have chosen to sweep under the rug? Get ready for it all to be aired.
 Why? Mercury is Retrograde in Cancer until the end of the month, Venus in Leo is in a Square with Saturn in Scorpio; Saturn often wags his finger at what he considers to be extravagant behavior, and Venus is Leo will tell Saturn to shut up; The Sun in Cancer will have an opposition with powerful Pluto; but the Sun in Cancer has Jupiter and Mercury as back up; the Sun will not be cowed by Pluto’s authority.

Does this resonate with any of you? Remember, as is above so is below.  What this planetary mash up has to offer us is freedom from the foot on your throat, and perhaps a much-needed wake up call about the matters in your life.

Now, Venus/Sun/Mercury/Jupiter tend to be benign, while Saturn/Pluto are the baddies of the planetary family. There won’t be huge fights or intense fireworks; a simple and consistent NO is what will create the greatest resistance against any power plays, and allows time to figure things out.

What this does do for us is to make us stop being complacent; remember, squares and oppositions happen to create action and movement.

We have the first half of the month to plan and figure out how our life needs to be changed and how to gain control of our lives. When Mars joins Mercury, Jupiter and the Sun in Cancer on July 17, we begin to see a boost and results in the plans that we hold most dear.

The end of the month rounds up with a party. A congrats, if you will. Mercury goes direct; the Sun goes into Leo with a Full Moon in Aquarius close behind. Creativity, independence and the desire to shine will rush through us all. When Venus moves into Virgo on July 22, we are able to temper our wild desires with practicality.

Things are moving fast; you won’t get whiplash. Believe it or not, we are all ready for the next step in our evolution.

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