Monday, July 29, 2013


There is an awesome Trine happening between Cancer, Scorpio and Neptune in water signs (water Trine) and another beautiful trine happening between Pluto, Virgo and the Moon, making a Grand Earth Trine; together its called a Grand Sextile. It’s not all rainbows and lollypops, since with every trine there are hard making oppositons and squares. Even though Mercury is now direct, he’s still floating around in that post retrograde haze, and will for the next few days.

How nice.

Actually, it is; I’m not being sarcastic. In this case for the water and earth signs that are experiencing squares and oppositions, just remember that these actions bring awareness and a certain conversation to the table. With everything that is going on in the world, it’s so easy to just get caught up in it, and not pay attention to what is really going in inside us as individuals.
I don’t think that it’s an accident that this Grand Sextile is happening in Water and Earth signs; It’s about awareness, abundance and stability.
In this case, Cancer has Mars, Mercury and Jupiter in her sign. Cancer is opposite Pluto in Capricorn. Normally this could be an adversarial conversation between these two signs, but today its just Cancer acknowledging the need for freedom, and Capricorn stating his need to be understood. Capricorn takes a massive step back to assess the new world around. Cancer steps into the spot light, wincing a little while doing it…but doing it anyway.
Volatile Scorpio has Saturn telling her what to do, while the Moon in exhaulted in stable Taurus for the day. The conversation these two are finally having is that love doesn’t need to be hard or look like a telenovela; rather that if you let your partner love you, he/she will do just that.
As for Venus in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces, the first instinct for a Virgo to show how much she loves someone is to nag them to death, or clean out their closet. Pisces leans his head back, nods at the message Virgo is giving him; to step away from the beauty of the mists. Pisces gently moves Virgo into a comfy seat and asks if they can cloud gaze. Virgo nods, and sees how sometimes doing nothing means everything.

There will be some insights achieved here. Even though this Sextile is only exact today, we will feel it for the next few days.  Just relax and be open to what you will learn in the next few days. It will change everything, and teach us how to be calm in the middle of our worst storms.

Saturday, July 27, 2013


For you folks that read horoscopes and keep abreast of all the recent astrological news, I’m sure you have seen lots of chatter about Jupiter in Cancer being awesome for Cancers and Water signs while taking pressure off the endless Cardinal Crosses going on.
Well… This weekend is the glaring exception. There are new tensions in the air, and Cancer is right in the thick of it.
If you have any Cancers in your life, you will watch them undergo a metamorphosis this weekend. It could be good, as in that they will have the catharsis that they have desperately needed over the past few years; folks tend to lean a little too heavy on Cancers to get through the rough stuff in life.
This weekend Cancers are disinterested in kissing anybody’s boo boo’s.
Why? Mars/Mercury/Jupiter are in Cancer opposite Pluto making more of a T cross with Uranus in Aries. With Libra, the fourth Cardinal sign, left to carry the brunt of the tensions.
If you are a Capricorn or Aries this will apply to you in that you may feel as if your authority is being questioned, or you are being stilted or restrained in some vital way. If you are a Libra, chances are you will be tap dancing to keep the peace, while chances are you yourself have some grievances you want to air. By all means, throw your voice into the fray. Just do it with a smile.
Back to Cancer; it’s been a long time coming, all these planets clustered in your sign to give you a boost and help you get off the ground. Cancers who are aware of the awakening will feel growing pains, and can feel the power growing inside of them. It’s heady stuff. However, if you are of the Cancer population that has come to realize that you have been dead inside for a while now, you need to be careful how you manage your resurrection.
Being born is serious stuff.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


This magic music grooves me,
that dirty rhythm fools me
The devil's gotten to me through this dance
I'm full of funky fever,
a fire burns inside me
Boogie's got me in a super trance

“Blame it on the Boogie” Jackson Five

That Full moon in Aquarius was something else. It gave us a freshness…. And most importantly a sense of purpose we have been lacking as well as giving us an opening to really give a damn about others. When in survival mode it’s hard to care about others… but we aren’t in that dark space at the moment. Doesn’t mean that we wont be there again soon… but for now we get a free pass to look beyond mere survival.
Now onto the beauty of the next few days; It’s been a hot sweaty couple of years. Metaphorically speaking. The world is on fire, and I’m pretty sure that we have all spent a lot of time in our lives putting out fires and dealing with the rapid way the world is changing. Luckily we have planets in Neptune to chill us out.
However, the mood of the week and one that will continue for the next few days is of breathing room, in the guise of astrological trines, conjunctions and sextiles If we didn’t have the softer astrological aspects, we would never have the space to the get the lessons from the rough aspects that we have been going through.
All the astrological omens that force change and growth (squares, oppositions, cardinal crosses) happen to shake us up wake us up and get it together. (It being whatever “it” means to any person)
We have breathing room now, with the Sun in “just chill the f#@% out and put on your best duds, stop complaining and dance” Leo.  Leo’s like a good party, and do not want to hear any crying about a break up, a lost job or an asshole roommate. Leo will tell you to shake that off, slather on some hot red lipstick and shake your thang.
This is where we are this week, with the Moon in Pisces conjunct Neptune in a pretty lil’ square to Venus then making a sweet trine to Saturn in Scorpio and Jupiter/Mars/Mercury in Cancer.  As I mentioned before, trines and (certain) conjunctions are all easy living astrological aspects.
When the Moon moves in Aries, it’ll trigger some squarish behavior towards all the planets in Cancer, but party man Jupiter isn’t hearing any kind of fights or fussing. Jupiter is a lot like Leo; Larger than life and wanting everything to just be cool.  Go out, find some beach to dance naked on. Get a little wild, laugh a little too loud and hug your friends tight. Right now there is nothing to do but dance and let go.
What this means my friends is that lets just chill out, have fun, drink a little too much champagne (or whatever you like) and blast your radio.