Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Oh, it’s the time of Aries. It’s the season of warm breezes, bold actions, infused energy and magical awakenings. Most of us feel unstoppable.
Yes, there are now 5 planets in Aries with the new moon (Mars, Venus, Uranus, Sun, Moon) and with the new moon happening in Aries it seem like a big old bright firestorm of energy, will and verve.
Astrologically speaking, Aries is the sign that represents the self. With all of these planets clustered in Aries, we are focused on MY plans, MY life, MY STORY.
Wherever Aries happens in your chart is where you are being given a mulligan, a free pass for a fresh start or a do over.

However, contrary to popular belief, Aries is NOT the star of the show right now.
Sure, it’s warm and glittery. Sure it’s bright and there seems to be a kind of promise in the air. We now have the green light to go go go….

Hold the presses. Pluto in Capricorn is lurking in the background. This new moon works at a square with Pluto. Since Pluto is about to go retrograde (moves away from the earth and loses impact) he really wants to put his two scents in before he goes.
This new moon Pluto asks you how bad do you want it? Are you going to talk about it or do it? What are you willing to change to get what you want?
Pluto makes no bones about reveling our game. Pluto is result oriented and wants an authentic experience while you do it. Pluto is about the underdog, the long shot. If there is something that feels unattainable, Pluto will help you achieve it as long as you let something go. Could it be your story? Or your idea of whom you are and what you are allowed to have.
Hint- Wherever Pluto shows up in your chart, that is where you are running the biggest scam.
Pluto calls liar on people in whatever house he shows up in, and it’s usually this house that you really want something. What fantasies have you woven or tales you have told about what seems to be unattainable, or just out of reach?

Pluto wants you to make a deal to make all these New Moon in Aries dreams come true.

So. The question Pluto asks is this: once you are done being in love with the you that you can be… Just how big are you going to be?

Out with the old and in with the new.

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