Thursday, April 25, 2013

Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio Forecast for Cardinal Signs- Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn

Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio Forecast for Cardinal Signs- Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn
If your Sun sign or Ascendant (rising) falls in any of these four signs, pay attention.

I'mma do the things
That I wanna do
I ain't got a thing
To prove to you
I'll eat my candy
With the pork and beans
Excuse my manners
If I make a scene
I ain't gonna wear
The clothes that you like
I'm fine and dandy
With the me inside
One look in the mirror
And I'm tickled pink
I don't give a hoot
About what you think”

Pork and Beans- Weezer

For you guys, this eclipse brings on a Fixed Cross (not nearly as horrible as a Cardinal Cross, but challenging anyway) however you cardinal signs still seem to have a hard time play nice. It’s ok, All the past challenges of the last few years has you ready to handle whatever these eclipses has to offer. For all you know, it could finally bring the break in what feels like endless tension. Let yourself have that party you want.

Note: Saturn is involved with this eclipse, so if you’ve kept your nose clean, this eclipse could bring some good news. If you’ve been dodgy, expect to do some hard work to redeem yourself.

Aries: Now that most of the planets that had been on you have abandoned you to calm, steady Taurus. Maybe you feel abandoned, all of this feral energy without anywhere to expend it. Aw, don’t worry yourself none. Now you need to follow your passion. You know, your bliss. Not an impulse, or give into your angst. Rather, it’s a prime time to figure out what sustains you, MOVES you. It’s deep, dark and oh so satisfactory. It could be gaining some power in regards to finances or shared resources. It could be a deeper sense of intimacy. Whatever it is, look to your partner. Sharing what you have learned will really scratch your itch.

Cancer: Oh yes.  You can put down your phone, pull yourself away from your computer. Laundry needs folding? All of those endless duties heaped upon you? Ignore the ones that do not belong to you. You need to play, and do so INTENSLY. Truth of the matter, you have become rather boring. Frown lines instead of laugh lines are just no good. Kill that inner monologue full of complaints and put on some red lipstick, fishnet stockings and have fun. Get some finger paints and craypas. Get creative. Get interesting for crying out loud.  No one will shake their finger at you for being derelict in your responsibilities. Rather, you may get your allies to fist pump and scream out “well, its about time”.

Libra: The days of staying overtime and not getting due credit or extra money is DONE. While you may crave peace and want to be a team player, or put in overtime to have more control to have an environment that is molded into a “nice” on by your charm and grace is just not worth it anymore. You are no longer willing to get along to get along. Of course you will be so charming when you tell someone no, do your own work. You will be so amusing when you tell someone just what you will and won’t do. It will be so nice to finally take care of your own interests… now is the prime time to do just that. The question that needs to answer is how to make a living where you don’t have to give up your life’s blood.

Capricorn: Are you part of the right community? One that you feel good about being a part of? Does their beliefs match yours? Do you have good supportive friends? If the answer is yes, than this eclipse can help you solidify your bonds and make memorable times. If the answer is no, than you need to get straight with yourself and find new people to roll with. If you have misgivings about having left a crew, or group of friends of late, relax. You are just separating the wheat from the chaff.  In a few weeks, you will find that you are creating the type of community that feels right for you.

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