Tuesday, March 19, 2013


"The March Hare ... as this is May, it won't be raving mad - at least not so mad as it was in March."- Alice in Wonderland.

Spring. Easter.  We have in our heads green grassy fields with bunnies galloping through, chirping birds and pretty dresses.
Hold the phone. This vision is what is possible, but usually when the official start of spring happens the world is still a gray, colorless place. This is because this is the start of the Sun warming up the earth.

Its is during the end of March/ early April where the world’s religions begin to celebrate their spring time high holy days.
For the Celts/Pagan’s, Ostara is one of the high holy days, and falls on the same day as the Vernal/Spring Equinox. This happens March 20th, or 21st depending on the time the Sun enters Aries. This is the day where we anticipate the Sun to begin doing its work again. This is when the Astrological New Year begins.
 The vernal equinox is considered a new year simply because in regards to the way the sun works, it is when it begins to bloom and spread, and free from the grasp of the dark days of winter with the necessary bleakness for us to contemplate what we want our lives to look like.

Ostara is the Celtic/pagan holiday where the Goddess Eostre become mature and fertile; where the Sun comes back to us and is reborn in it’s heat, sense of action, and of course, virility. This is the reason why the rabbit was considered sacred to the Goddess during this time. He’s valued because of the fertility of the creature and of his industrious nature. He’s also a creature that comes out of hibernation from the winter and gets busy in spring. Busy in so many different ways…

Randy the Rabbit has work to do and he does it with energy and enthusiasm. WE may not want to necessarily be ‘fertile’, but be fertile with energy.

This is the energy we need to embody and touch upon once the Sun moves into Aries.

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, and are considered the initiators and heroes of the zodiac. Aries are also considered the children of the Zodiac. Could be that most Aries don’t know any better. Or it could be that separate God that exists for foolhardy children and for them alone.

This year, when the Spring Equinox occurs and the Sun moves into Aries, we need to remember that Mars, Uranus, Venus and the Sun are all going to be in Aries. We all will have more energy than we know what to do with. However, this is a welcome change from the wet mists we have been in. This heat will burn off the remaining fog.
We have had the first part of the year to dream, plan and wish. We had the dark winter to rest, to stay quiet and fallow. But now is the time to get down to work.
Ride this wild wave of energy and fire. Be happy at how your awakening matches the world. Now it is time to claim your intention, and begin the work it takes to bring it into existence.

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