Wednesday, December 30, 2015


Starstruck Autumn: THE YEAR IN REVIEW-A PILLAR OF SALT: Oh my dear Astro lovies, what a year we had. I’m sure that many folks have said that about years past, but I really think that this yea...


Oh my dear Astro lovies, what a year we had. I’m sure that many folks have said that about years past, but I really think that this year was a wild one. There was fire trines, mutable squares, blood moons, cardinal t-squares and a heavy skulking Pluto running the show, with Uranus closing in on Pluto’s heels.
Please, under no circumstance assume that this year was about anything but Pluto.
Pluto is the God of the Dead. The Underworld. Where as you descend farther and farther the more life, will and ego erodes. Until you are honed sharp by the darkness. Here you battle yourself. Here you face demons and monsters that will choke the soul out of you, or a smooth slick creature that you crave giving up every thing that was ever good about you. Could even be both.
Did you descend this year? I know you did.
I believe that 2016 will be the ascension to the light, with the help of Uranus and Mars. Oh yes, I think 2016 will be a very Uranian year, with help from the Hero of the Zodiac, Mars staying in Scorpio for a great deal of 2016. This transit will help light the way from our time in the underworld to ascension. To getting the other side, a hero.
After all, all good heros need a trial by fire. Hopefully by this point you know what will be yours.
You can’t look back though. That’s the deal. That’s the price. You cannot look at your life “before”, Before 2012 when everything started to go mad. You can’t really even look to far to the future. It’s the now, and the lesson to be learned. Not to mention patience.

So. Happy Re-Birth.

May 2016 offer you that light at the end of the tunnel that you need.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015


Starstruck Autumn: DARK EYES & HOT HEARTS – A BUSY WEEK FOR VENUS: Venus is currently doing her thing in Scorpio, strutting around in black leather leggings, sky-high black heels and eyes in moody black...


Venus is currently doing her thing in Scorpio, strutting around in black leather leggings, sky-high black heels and eyes in moody black eyeliner. Venus in Scorpio is a take no prisoner version of the goddess of love…and war. In ancient times Venus was also a goddess of war.
However, Venus in Scorpio, while irresistible and charismatic, is in her detriment. Venus rules Libra and Taurus, two signs known for being circumspect and hardy under pressure.
Venus in Scorpio never quite feels…free to be bad. To really be herself.
So this week is a great outlet for Venus making this Scorpio transit.
On Thursday Venus makes a sextile to Pluto in Capricorn. On Friday Venus makes an inconjunct to Uranus in Aries. On Saturday Venus makes a trine to Chiron.

Scorpio is ruled by both Pluto and Mars (Aries is ruled by Mars) so these aspects make sense in a weirdo cosmic way. This Venus has the tools to tangle with Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Aries.

What kind of conversations will be had here? Is this naughty version of Venus being a rabble-rouser?

Well of course she is. With her leaning on Pluto in Capricorn, there’s going to be STRONG focus on power, how it’s wielded fairly and in a way to benefit yourself. With this everything, all conversations, interactions and activities have a fated feeling, hot and heavy with promise. It’s going to be very sexy, almost tantric. The more intense the better. This is a transit to make some powerful allies and alliances. Contracts signed while rolling around on satin sheets? Eyes locking over the boardroom table? Maybe…

Venus will then inconjunct Uranus in Aries, a rather uncomfortable action for us earthlings. Something is going to have to go if all it does is hem you in. Where do you need freedom in how you express yourself and how you make money? In a weird way, Vivian Ward (the ballsy yet vulnerable hooker with a heart of gold from Pretty Woman) was very Venus/Uranian. She said who, she said when, she said how much. She also totally re-wrote the rules of love in choosing her path while working the world’s oldest profession. Kudos Vivian. Let her be your patron saint this week.

Venus will then make a lovely trine to Chiron in Pisces, helping us heal through our intuition, through all things magical and creative. While you pursue your own truth, you will encounter healing all the boo-boo’s of late.

Watch where you feel good enough, pretty enough (or not). Pay attention to your money, or where you may feel a little combative. There’s astro gold to be had there.

Starstruck Autumn: CATCHING FIRE-A busy week for Sun in Sagittarius

Starstruck Autumn: CATCHING FIRE-A busy week for Sun in Sagittarius: This week the Sun in Sagittarius makes a square to Jupiter in Virgo, and then a square to the North Node in Virgo and South Node in Pisces....

CATCHING FIRE-A busy week for Sun in Sagittarius

This week the Sun in Sagittarius makes a square to Jupiter in Virgo, and then a square to the North Node in Virgo and South Node in Pisces.

What does this mean?

The Sun making a blazing square to Jupiter is often akin to that moment where the campfire finally takes hold and lets go of a huge red/orange flame…strong and hot.

Remember that fire is the ultimate way to purify anything.

The Sun making squares to both the South Node in Pisces and the North Node in Virgo is about creating action in regards to the movement your life is to move towards. Where are you going? What bewildering past do you need to let go of?

In astrology a square is an aspect where one planet makes a 90-degree angle to another planet; depending on the planets, it can be a stressful time or one of great big things happening. A square is a plot twist, a crescendo…a way for the cosmos to move the story forward.

I know, I hear you asking BUT WHAT DOES THAT MEAN!?!?

This is how I think of it: The Sun is the brightest star in the cosmos, is meeting up with the biggest, most benevolent planet in the cosmos. They are making as aspect to move the story, your story along in a big, bright way. What do you want/need/desire to accomplish or begin? What’s been simmering on low for days, months even years? The Sun/Jupiter meet up wants to help you get that thing cooking.

The North Node is the direction you are supposed to move towards, and the South Node is what you are supposed to move away from.

The Sun making squares to your past (South Node in Pisces) and your future (North Node in Virgo). Something needs to be released, something that has been hanging on in your psyche, in the back of your mind that should find its way out. In turn, something will be released, and you will feel clean. New. Healthy and whole. You’ll be free of some ancient murkiness that has bogged down your vision.

This incendiary energy is running rampant until Friday, 12/18. Feed what has to go into the fire, and watch the sparks fly.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Tuesday, December 8, 2015


You can feel the flames lapping at your feet, I would think with this New Moon. The New Moon is making a trine with Uranus in Aries and a square to Jupiter in Virgo.

There is nothing here to anchor you. There is nothing here that is stabilizing, that tells you no or wags a finger at you. There’s nothing here to counteract the nearly feral vibe that this New Moon has.

So what do you do when you are told you can do nearly anything? When the cage door is left open by a slightly negligent keeper/warden?

I’m hoping you go wild.

A New Moon in Sagittarius often is the new beginning of some kind of adventure…a journey if you will. Very Bilbo Baggins if you will…the desire to go to far off places and experience events and adventures that will alter your very being. It can be literally going someplace new and exotic…foreign. It can mean embarking on a course of study that will crack your brain open with new insights…things that cannot be unlearned. It’s a matter of expanding yourself and the very world as you know it.
The trine from Uranus in Aries is a matter of supporting whatever new venture you are embarking on. Here, Uranus is eager to help in the great escape…Uranus has been hemmed in way too long by the era of the Cardinal cross, and needs an outlet. The New Moon in Sagittarius is the partner in crime in the astrological sense.
The Jupiter connection is the most dangerous one…it makes you think you cannot fail. Perhaps the Jupiter connection is the assurance that you will not fail. The Virgo vibe will help you plan whatever it is you’ve got brewing here.

Either way, now is the perfect time to start something, anything new. Wait and see what will come to fruition in 6 months, when the Full Moon in Sagittarius occurs.

Instead of leaping over flames, focus this New Moon on being the flame. Be hot, transformative…even cleansing of old ways of thinking and being.

It’s exciting stuff. Just don’t stay in that cage.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Starstruck Autumn: THIS WEEK IN THE STARS: 12/6-12/13

Starstruck Autumn: THIS WEEK IN THE STARS: 12/6-12/13: Watch the conversations shift from whimsical, philosophical and adventurous into talks of building something. Just the facts ma’am, and de...

Starstruck Autumn: THIS WEEK IN THE STARS: 11/1-11/13

Starstruck Autumn: THIS WEEK IN THE STARS: 11/1-11/13: Watch the conversations shift from whimsical, philosophical and adventurous into talks of building something. Just the facts ma’am, and de...


Watch the conversations shift from whimsical, philosophical and adventurous into talks of building something. Just the facts ma’am, and deep talks and plans for a big future. December 9th Mercury moves from Sagittarius into Capricorn, changing the focus of the conversations and communications.  Two days later the New Moon occurs in Sagittarius, bringing with it a rush of heat and energy. We will feel like we can do anything, even though Saturn is taking slow methodical steps through Sagittarius, insisting upon total clarity in truth, adventure and building your very own philosophy. This New Moon also makes a trine to Uranus and a square to Jupiter. We may feel a little wild and wooly this week, but ready for that big Saggy power to launch us into something wild.

ARIES SUN/RISING: Theme’s of work, image and getting the Gold Ring. However, there will also be a big thing for you about dealing with your shifting perspective. All you can do is be you. As Dr. Seuss would say, “There is no one alive who is Youer than You”. Think about that a bit.

TAURUS SUN/RISING: These days you are getting geared up and ready for action, and the New Moon will get you ready for the kind of healing that Marvin Gaye was so revved up about it. I think you might go tantric one of these days. Hey, why not? You are already broadening your horizons at a fascinating rate.

GEMINI SUN/RISING: This week will bring in a lot of conversations about your resources, taxes, sex, your deepest desires and how you might be able to express them with your partner. Another cool thing happening for you this week is all of these grown up talks about resources, and self-expression can help build you a much happier home/family life.

CANCER SUN/RISING: Quite honestly, the more you talk, plan, scheme, plot, create and hack away at your to do list, the closer you are to getting the kind of status that you are ready for. You want to shine, so you know you need to do the work to get there. Get a meal plan, a life plan…etc. you get it.

LEO SUN/RISING: Dreaming the dream is a good plan for now… being totally ready to hop on train, plane or automobile is a good plan for really learning how to feel love and joy again. Your creative juices need to flow…but oddly enough your lack of heady madness is forcing you to look at the world with a different focus. See where it takes you.

VIRGO SUN/RISING: More fun and focus on your exploration of love, joy, creativity and joy. You are going to have a lot of deep, heartfelt conversations beginning this week for the next 2 weeks. This is good. You will also be in talks over the next few weeks about your whole work scene and how it reflects on you, and how you chose to be seen in the world.

LIBRA SUN/RISING: You are feeling a little quieter these days, contemplating yourself, your next stage of metamorphose. However you are going to have to communicate what has changed for you, and what kind of shifts you are looking to make. But remember to only share your biggest plan with your most trusted partners…keep your Ace up your sleeve.
SCORPIO SUN/RISING: Money and hard work are going to go hand in hand for you, and while you are going “yeah, yeah I know that” it’s really going to occur to you…and not in a bad way. This realization will help you along for the next 2 years…you may have to work harder than you want to, or even should. However the rewards will be awesome.

SAGITTARIUS SUN/RISING:  This week will shine a big spotlight on your ways in the world, as well as what you really dig and enjoy. What revs your engine? Keep all this in mind while you deal with all the madness that goes along with trying to make a living. You’ll be talking money the rest of the month. Take no quarter, and trust your instincts.

CAPRICORN SUN/RISING: You get the honor of dealing with your face and how you pitch yourself starting this week. You also will be coping with your psyche going mad. However, it’s a good kind of mad that cracks open your life, and all that’s been hiding in your psyche for waaaay too long. I wonder what will emerge..Something wild I imagine.

AQUARIUS SUN/RISING: I would imagine that this will be an especially chatty month for you in your brain. How much you communicate to others will be anyone’s guess. But you are drawn to groups, maybe the shining light this week is for you to relax into a group that can be the sounding board that you really need.

PISCES SUN/RISING: This week offers you a cool thing to know: that in a lot of ways, your secret to your success will occur to you. You’ll get the message out of seemingly nowhere…however you’ll do best if you get on a new course of study…that may help you along your way.