Tuesday, May 13, 2014


I desperately want to keep this post about the Full Moon in Scorpio as esoteric-less as possible.
I also want to keep this as free of dark imaginings and dire predictions as possible.

I want to be as real as possible about this precious Full Moon in Scorpio. It’s such a rare moon that can offer us so much. Yes, there will always be a Full Moon in Scorpio as long as the third rock from the sun is in existence. However, this one is especially poignant, coming off the heels of the past Grand Cardinal Cross and the Eclipse season we just lived through.
Also since this Full Moon is tightly connected to the Saturn in Scorpio retrograde.
In this case, we will be dragging ourselves over old ground…places where we may not have done what we said we would do, act how we should…maybe even how we disappointed others and ourselves.

This Full Moon is also happening while the lover planet Venus and wild Uranus is making a tight conjunction in Aries, at the degree that we felt the Cardinal Cross. To me, this is a sign that we aren’t collectively done with the time of the April madness. Wild freedom in love and sex and beauty and money? Shocking behavior in matters of the heart?

More importantly, expect to be found out during this Full Moon. Whatever you have been laboring to cover up will be exposed, either by chance or by your own volition. The more pain, the deeper the wound. If the reveal and healing is easy, well then baby, it just means it was time.

Jupiter and Chiron are trine during this time as well; the planet of big hopes and wishes is making a sweet aspect the planet that requires you to heal others in order to heal yourself.
So you need to talk about your pain, to share it and stop hoarding it in order to get over it.

Scorpio is all about resurrection, and for the truly worthy, rebirth.

If the life we have lived under the Scorpio spell of the past 18 months has taught us nothing, is that the truth will always be found out, but at least this is what will heal us and set us free.

Thank Goodness.

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