Monday, May 26, 2014


Starstruck Autumn: NEW MOON IN GEMINI MAGICKS & TIPS: Hello my loveys! Welcome to the New Moon in Gemini on May 28 th 2014! I know we are all in a better frame of mind from the last...

Sunday, May 25, 2014


Hello my loveys! Welcome to the New Moon in Gemini on May 28th 2014! I know we are all in a better frame of mind from the last New Moon we had, which was a Solar Eclipse in Taurus. For most of this spring we had eclipses, retrogrades and cardinal squares (oh my!)
However, this moon has us in the shadow of the Mercury Retrograde, which can be problematic since the new moon is in Gemini, and Mercury is the ruler of Gemini.
But I’m not scared of a Mercury Retrograde. It requires us to slow down, act right and pay attention. We spend so much time in a rush or a fog we miss most things. Remember Ferris Bueller’s words of advice “if you don’t slow down, you might miss something”.
While we have the Mercury Retrograde working against us, we have some awesome aspect hitting us on this New Moon. It’s in a beautiful angle to Mars in Libra, and the current Sun in Gemini. Venus also moves into Taurus, giving us a terrific grounding and jump off point for the magic of the New Moon.
I love New Moons, and the potential they offer us. Full moons get a lot of hype (you know, the whole magical, lunacy thing it has going on) but if you want more bang for your buck, find out when the New Moon is and tap that energy. Every New Moon has a theme, a mood and a lesson. Depending on which sign the New Moon is in, and where it falls in your chart, and how it affects your rising and sun sign is key to knowing how to make the New Moon Magicks work for you.

First? Lets get your tools.

What you need:
Pen/paper – write down what you hope to plant the seed for during this New Moon
Candle – this depends from month to month depending on which sign the New Moon falls in
Herbs/Oils- same applies for candles.

This New Moon falls in Airy Gemini. The role of Gemini is It’s all about fast talk, travel, movement and thought. It’s not gratuitous; for Gemini it’s about learning about the world around us, and communication of all kinds is the preferred medium in this.
For this New Moon, I would advise choosing a yellow or green candle. Since these are the colors of the ruler of Gemini (Mercury) you would want to stimulate that energy. It’s all about fast talk, travel, movement and thought.
This New Moon is grand for starting new studies, writing, learning a new language, travel and oddly enough, creating a healthy relationship and dialog with a sibling.
For your candle magicks, the herbs I would choose is Lavender, Parsley, Anise and Dill; these are all herbs that deal with the 7th chakra of thought and receiving messages from the heavens, and of the 3rd chakra, of creativity.
Please note that this is happening during the shadow phase of the Mercury Retrograde, so please make sure to make your intentions as clear as possible. Write it down. This is not a time to get cloudy about what you want to happen.
Once you have your candle, hold it in your hand and think about what you would like to plant the seeds for during this New Moon, and what you would like to manifest. Get your herbs/oils, rub it on the candle. If you don’t have any essential oils, use olive oil on the candle, and maybe add a touch of honey to the mix, to add sweetness to the fire you are looking to start in your heart and your life. I tend to use dried herbs on my candles. I would make sure to get a shorter candle to burn, since it needs to burn to its completion for it to truly be potent. If you are worried about burning your house down, put the candle in your kitchen sink. That should keep it safe enough.

That’s easy enough.

In general, for New Moons, I like to make sure to get some cinnamon sticks to burn. They burn very slow, with little to no flame. It’s more of a gesture. Cinnamon is great for drawing in love, passion, protection and money. It’s an herb associated with fire, so it’s great to give a boost to any project.
I like to make sure I put a little rose oil essence and peppermint oil in my shower gel. Peppermint is great for protection and prosperity, while rose oil is a must; after all how can you manifest anything if your heart is not open? Rose oil will help you with that, as well as helping you create with love, and attracting love into your efforts. The first few days of a New Moon is especially potent, so use these days to shower with the magic concoction.

Have fun manifesting.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


I desperately want to keep this post about the Full Moon in Scorpio as esoteric-less as possible.
I also want to keep this as free of dark imaginings and dire predictions as possible.

I want to be as real as possible about this precious Full Moon in Scorpio. It’s such a rare moon that can offer us so much. Yes, there will always be a Full Moon in Scorpio as long as the third rock from the sun is in existence. However, this one is especially poignant, coming off the heels of the past Grand Cardinal Cross and the Eclipse season we just lived through.
Also since this Full Moon is tightly connected to the Saturn in Scorpio retrograde.
In this case, we will be dragging ourselves over old ground…places where we may not have done what we said we would do, act how we should…maybe even how we disappointed others and ourselves.

This Full Moon is also happening while the lover planet Venus and wild Uranus is making a tight conjunction in Aries, at the degree that we felt the Cardinal Cross. To me, this is a sign that we aren’t collectively done with the time of the April madness. Wild freedom in love and sex and beauty and money? Shocking behavior in matters of the heart?

More importantly, expect to be found out during this Full Moon. Whatever you have been laboring to cover up will be exposed, either by chance or by your own volition. The more pain, the deeper the wound. If the reveal and healing is easy, well then baby, it just means it was time.

Jupiter and Chiron are trine during this time as well; the planet of big hopes and wishes is making a sweet aspect the planet that requires you to heal others in order to heal yourself.
So you need to talk about your pain, to share it and stop hoarding it in order to get over it.

Scorpio is all about resurrection, and for the truly worthy, rebirth.

If the life we have lived under the Scorpio spell of the past 18 months has taught us nothing, is that the truth will always be found out, but at least this is what will heal us and set us free.

Thank Goodness.