Wednesday, October 23, 2013


I’m stepping out of my usual Astrology writings here, so bear with me.

In addition to Astrology, I also study Tarot; I also studied Angels and read the works of Doreen Virtue, as well as listened to her meditations. In doing this my practice was greatly enriched.
For most of my adult life, when casting cards for myself, I would use the Queen of Cups as my personal card; I have Cancer Sun and Scorpio Moon; both water signs, both intuitive. In Tarot, the Queen of Cups is a priestess, an MC of sorts of the spiritual realm. However, ever since the beginning of the cardinal crosses beginning in 2008, I found myself grounding down, and channeling the energy of the Queen of Pentacles; she is an earth card, perfect for stabilizing.
With so much being swept away and falling to dust in my life, I knew that I needed the grounding down, rooting myself down in my core as to not be swept away.

If you are a cardinal Sun/Rising (Aries, Cancer, Libra& Capricorn) I’m sure you can relate to the crumbling structures in your life.

I have spent the past few years doing my best to stay balanced (thanks Saturn in Libra transiting my first house 2009-2012!) I have done my best to keep the Scorpio side of me tightly controlled, using that power only for clearing and passion, rather than the destruction that can happen.
Seems the universe isn’t letting me do that anymore.
Yesterday I felt fired up, simmering and sizzling in a wild way. At first I thought it was Pele visiting me. I had felt Pele (a fire Goddess) when I went to Kona and watched the Volcano fall; I heard her loud and clear, her voice telling me to GET MOVING and own my fire, rather than give it away. My affinity with Pele affected me deeply.
However, I felt a fission of electricity, and the smell of ozone. I realized perhaps Pele had come for a minute, but only to clear the way for Kali.
The Hindu Goddess of destruction, of clarity, of endings and beginnings. Kali scares the shit out of lots of folks, even me at times. I know her power is useful and necessary. I also know not to ask for her help unless I’m ready to scorch the earth and completely change my life. Having Pluto in my first house flirting with my rising sign Libra and a Scorpio moon, I am not a stranger to that kind of power and energy, and the consequences of Kali.
Kali is a wild one, and if she visits you, you feel it like a cold hard wind that comes before a storm. It’s exhilarant and makes you feel like you can do anything. That power is liberating, and scary.
I felt her sit down next to me (I was on a bus on the way to work) I could hear her whisper “its time” I nodded. I know the time to play it safe has come and gone, and my time as Queen of Pentacles is over. It makes sense for her to come to me, since Kali has all the Scorpio characteristics, and we are now living in a Scorpio world.

If Kali comes to visit you, don’t be afraid; just be prepared for a brave new world.

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