Friday, May 25, 2012

Moves Like Jagger

“When the hurly burly is done, when the battle’s lost and won…”
Perhaps last week’s solar eclipse that tangled with Pluto, Saturn and Mars has made me appreciate the finer points of the Scottish play. Where we have won some things, we have lost some as well. After the planetary scuffle of last week, we are left wondering who won. First off, that flighty Venus is currently retrograde, her loving rays moving farther and farther away from us. What this retrograde is doing is hauling up our messed up money and beauty issues and shoving them in our face. Not to mention that Venus Retrograde will also bring back old lovers. Not the good kind, mind you, but the ones that broke our hearts, stole our money and killed our cat. And then we had the very healing new moon eclipse that was super close to jovial Jupiter that showed us our own boo boos and taught us how to kiss our own owies. While that is all fine and good, I’m sure many of us were feeling weepy at some point or another.

That wild tug of war, that relentless wave of emotion and thought rushing over us… it has ebbed…

THANK GOODNESS, BECAUSE NOW I WANT TO GO TO A BARBEQUE. Even the universe recognizes that it is Memorial Day Weekend, and that it’s time to party.

Yes folks, even the universe has to take a time out, after whipping us human folk into a wild frenzy of human emotion and thought. The past solar eclipse in Gemini has made us ask ourselves how to best let our light shine, and let our freak out to play. If we have all been good and done what the universe wanted us to do, we get to play nice with everyone.  As always, the universe grants us a boon after a difficult time. What we do with it, is of course, up to us all. Mercury and the Sun in active Gemini are at a dynamite angle to Uranus.

Quick review: Mercury is the chatty, super fast thinking planet of communication and travel.

                           Uranus: the planet of wild flashes of creativity, intuition and insight. Uranus is the planet that encourages us to be rebellious, and to be ourselves when everyone else wants us to conform.
                          Sun: the epicenter of it all, and the big hand guiding us all in how we think and act.

This lovely planetary combination is inviting us all to be as kooky and as out there as possible, and to act on it as well. To talk to play, to dance and to be as creative as possible.

The moon is in posturing Leo this weekend (think of Mick Jagger strutting across the stage in his peacock mode. This should sum up what Leo moon attitude looks like) and it wants us to dance, sing and play. By all means, my little star light children put on sparkly dangly jewelry, smoke black foreign cigarettes and dance wildly. Enjoy your time. Most importantly, play nice with others.

Its prime time to play and frolic, and ignore the fact that there is someone, something,  tapping a long finger on his wrist watch, chanting  so very quietly to us frolicking children,  “Tic toc.. Tic toc”...

1 comment:

  1. Nice post. How often do you get Macbeth, Mick Jagger, inner freak, and sparkly jewelry all in one place!
