Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Starstruck Autumn: NEW MOON IN LIBRA-THE MOST DANGEROUS THING OF ALL: This New Moon in Libra occurs right after the Fall Equinox, and after Pluto moves direct. Pluto has been retrograde since...


Starstruck Autumn: NEW MOON IN LIBRA-THE MOST DANGEROUS THING OF ALL: This New Moon in Libra occurs right after the Fall Equinox, and after Pluto moves direct. Pluto has been retrograde since...


This New Moon in Libra occurs right after the Fall Equinox, and after Pluto moves direct. Pluto has been retrograde since April, running away after the fiasco of the April eclipses, leaving us to clean up the messes. Now he’s back, and trying to atone. You see, Pluto is the planet of death, power issues & destruction…breaking down the order of things for seemingly no reason. However we are learning he has a rough hand, and might be slightly sadistic. Because if you are willing to do the work and salt the field of all he has NEEDED to destroy, while learning to build up your own power source instead of stealing from others, he just might throw you a bone. That bone is freedom from illusions, and entrapment to lies. Because Pluto will NOT tolerate lies.
So back to the New Moon. This New Moon occurs at 1 degree Libra. This is very important. When a planet falls anywhere between 0-2 degrees of a Cardinal sign (Aries, Cancer,Libra,Capricorn) it’s called the Aries point. Why this matters is that it’s the MOST potent energy of the sign, and of the movement. If you are a Cardinal sign you will really feel this New Moon. Even if you are a person who is not a cardinal sign with no cardinal planets, you will feel this.
If you have ANY planets that fall on an Aries point … well the revolution has arrived. And not a moment too soon. Because you are ready.
What this New Moon brings is redemption, and the break from emotional lies, and unhealthy entanglements. I’m willing to bet that in the past 9 years we have all been guilty, in one way or another of doing the following:
11.  using love as currency
 2.  accepting love as currency
33. denying our need just to “get along”
 4.   not fighting the good fight out our worry of our own survival
  5.withholding love because of fear, anger or just being stingy
This is where Pluto comes in, and wakes us up. Libra is all about love, grace, gratitude and the need to have each other. To love each other. To forgive each other, and ourselves. However we have not been doing any of that, even though its all we REALLY want to do. It just hasn’t been in the stars to do so.
However, now Pluto is direct, and has this New Moon in Libra’s back. Pluto wants us to be brave, even though we are scared. Pluto is urging us to do the dirty, gritty deed of digging in and forgiving those who have hurt us in unbearable ways. To forgive ourselves for abandoning our own very souls. To forgive the world for being so messed up. It’s hard, dangerous work. Those who say that it’s not haven’t dipped in. At least, not fully, not yet.
You’ll see. You’ll know you have been graced with the transformative power of this New Moon when you can truly love your enemy.
That is the moment where you will experience the true meaning of Grace.


Starstruck Autumn: NEW MOON IN LIBRA MAGICKS AND TIPS: Hello my loveys! Here we are again on the brink of a New Moon in Libra. It occurs Wednesday, September 24th.  This New Mo...


Hello my loveys! Here we are again on the brink of a New Moon in Libra. It occurs Wednesday, September 24th.  This New Moon falls right after the Fall Equinox, with the Sun having just entered Libra. This is a potent New Moon, since it’s happening with Pluto going direct, and especially with the North Node being in Libra for the past few months. This may be one of THE most important New Moon’s of 2014.
 I love New Moons, and the potential they offer us. Full moons get a lot of hype (you know, the whole magical, lunacy thing it has going on) but if you want more bang for your buck, find out when the New Moon is and tap that energy. Every New Moon has a theme, a mood and a lesson. Depending on which sign the New Moon is in, and where it falls in your chart, and how it affects your rising and sun sign is key to knowing how to make the New Moon Magicks work for you.

First? Lets get your tools.

What you need:
Pen/paper – write down what you hope to plant the seed for during this New Moon
Candle – this depends from month to month depending on which sign the New Moon falls in
Herbs/Oils- same applies for candles.

This New Moon falls in graceful, enchanting Libra. Libra is the sign that is the peacemaker, the mediator, the beautiful one. Libra is concerned with balance, truth and justice. Moreover, Libra is about our relationships to each other, and wants it to always be good. Use this New Moon to bring balance, truth and beauty to your life and relationships.
For this New Moon, I would advise choosing any kind of pastel color candle. Since Libra is about the soft touch of beauty and peace, appealing colors work best. For herbs, use Thyme, Angelica, Bayberry and Bergamot…all very fragrant herbs and flowers. This herbs deal with magic, money, beauty and protection (after all, Libra IS ruled by Venus)
This is a potent new moon, so make the most of it.
Once you have your candle, hold it in your hand and think about what you would like to plant the seeds for during this New Moon, and what you would like to manifest. Get your herbs/oils, rub it on the candle. If you don’t have any essential oils, use olive oil on the candle, and maybe add a touch of honey to the mix, to add sweetness to the fire you are looking to start in your heart and your life. I tend to use dried herbs on my candles. I would make sure to get a shorter candle to burn, since it needs to burn to its completion for it to truly be potent. If you are worried about burning your house down, put the candle in your kitchen sink. That should keep it safe enough.

That’s easy enough.

In general, for New Moons, I like to make sure to get some cinnamon sticks to burn. They burn very slow, with little to no flame. It’s more of a gesture. Cinnamon is great for drawing in love, passion, protection and money. It’s a herb associated with fire, so it’s great to give a boost to any project.
I like to make sure I put a little rose oil essence and peppermint oil in my shower gel. Peppermint is great for protection and prosperity, while rose oil is a must; after all how can you manifest anything if your heart is not open? Rose oil will help you with that, as well as helping you create with love, and attracting love into your efforts. After all, Rose oil is all about matters of the heart, and that is the domain for Libra. The first few days of a New Moon is especially potent, so use these days to shower with the magic concoction.

Have fun manifesting.