Thursday, February 14, 2013


My first solid memory is of me sitting on the kitchen counter top watching my dad fix us his specialty; sloppy peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. For us in the Peanut butter and Jelly  sandwich eating world, we all know that no one makes a better sandwich than a Daddy.
He would always draw a heart in the peanut butter before lathering on the jelly. This was just one of many dinner dates we had.

I always assocate with my father the mixed smells of  leather, cigarette smoke and chocolate whopper candies.
When I was a little kid I remember him sneaking me ice cream and candy when my mom wasn’t looking.
I was a foodie from day one, as a chubby toddler nibbling on everything I could. This was one of the reasons how I got my nickname. “Munch”

I’m 32 and he until he got sick, he still called me Munch.

I remember when I was a teen and I was on my way to school and he was coming home from work (he worked early shifts) we would take a brief minute and have a cup of coffee together. This was just many of the coffee breaks we would share.

For nearly 10 years we had a monthly movie date. He would buy the tickets and I would buy the candy and popcorn.

I remember that Thanksgiving in my early 20’s where I did my best to replicate the stuffing the way that his mother made it. It was crunchy and weird, but he ate it with a smile.

That night last year when me and my boyfriend had my dad over for baked ziti to watch “the Big Lebowski” and I kept cringing that I had put too much green pepper in the ziti.

My dad knew I was trouble from day one. And I know he was always pleased as punch that I was so opinionated and firey, even though I know he worried about me, and my determinatation to take on City Hall.

Every Valentines Day he would send me a card. When I was a little girl, there would be chocolates along with the Card, in a pink envelope.
In this time I think of all the good times. The purloined candies, the shared Ice Cream and Cake.
Our movie dates…
The dinners…
Our coffee dates…

James Frank Burgess left this mortal coil on February 7, 2013.

I thought that I would have these dates with him forever and ever. I never thought I would never get to split a donut with him, watch a movie with him or hear him complain about the effing politicians.
But you know what? my daddy was epic.
 My dad was my first Valentine; my fella, my buddy and my confidant. I’m not quite sure how I’m expected to keep on living without him, however I know he exists in every breath I take and every thing I do.

Saturday, February 2, 2013


We have entered that zone of winter where we know we are at the halfway point between that crisp cold dark of winter, and the whisper of spring.
February 2 is known as a cross quarter day; you know how there are 4 solstice/equinox's? Well cross quarter days fall between each equinox/solstice. It's no coincidence that cross quarter holidays fall in Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius) these holidays remind us to stay steady and firm while being smack dab in the middle of a tough time, a tightrope.
Imbolc, or Candlemas, or St. Brigid’s Day, falls on Feb 2, the first cross quarter holiday of the year. Imbolc is the Pagan name for this holiday, While Candlemas is the Christian one; both holidays are preceded over by either the Goddess Brigid or Saint Brigid, depending on your faith. She is the Goddess of Fire; of bravery, inspiration and Craftsmanship; at her Monestary in Kildare, Saint Brigid is responsible for the magic of the eternal flame; purification and strength are her calling cards, much in the way of the Goddess Brigid. Both of these holidays are nearly identical in their ways of being worshiped, and the purpose for it.
This holiday is focused in honoring the home and birth; the translation for Imbolc is “in the belly”.  This holiday is a precursor to the ewes nursing their baby lambs.
During this time any animal that creates milk is honored. Because this is a holiday that honors birth and new life, it’s a grand time for honoring fertility and the purification that comes with fire.
Light and heat that comes from burning fires and candles are also a way for this holiday to be observed; it harkens the magic of the spring, and the heat that comes with it.
Some might find it odd that a holiday meant for the comfort of home falls in detached Aquarius, but this fixed sign sees forward, and is intrepid in the way it clears the path for the future by shrugging off the past. This sign is a steady flame; unwavering. Aquarius is much like the eternal flame; an endless sign of faith and the continuance of life.
Light a candle and watch it burn through the night. Eat a piece of cheese and smile.
Honor this time with laughter and pick out now what you would like to plant for the spring... Be choosy and most of all be playful.