So….the end of world, huh? Hmmm not really. Not like we see in the movies with total annihilation and a foreboding, scary wasteland looking post apocalyptic world. However, given the planetary movements that we will be experiencing, it is clear that life as we each know it is about to make a turn. Which way it goes is up to you. The world collectively has been given hints and clues about how things are going to go for the past 3 ½ years, when the economy began to collapse and Obama got elected and Saturn made the first of its 3 trines with Uranus.
Neptune is about to find itself very much at home with watery Pisces come February; during this 14 year transit, our collective spiritual consciousness is about to go off the charts. We will be having dreams that come true, hunches and psychic flashes. Those of us who are already highly psychic are going to have to trod carefully and find effective ways to filter out all that we receive. Those who are unused to these flashes may feel weirded out and uncomfortable; but during this transit will hopefully learn to ride the wave, and allow folks to become more compassionate and creative.
Saturn. Ah, yes. Saturn has a bad rep as the stern teacher that does not grade on a curve, will pull your naughty tush into detention and will take you to task for your screw ups. Saturn wants you to learn your lesson, darn it! Saturn has been transiting Libra for the past 2 years. Libra is ruled by the love and beauty oriented planet Venus, so Libra is concerned with beauty, love, the arts and most of all, being as gracious as possible. Libra wants us to learn how to be balanced, so we can live a more beautiful life. Libra is also all about justice; keep in mind Gandhi was a Libra. Justice accomplished in as peaceful a way as possible. This helps to explain the OWS movement, and the preoccupation of us all about Justice in its highest form. Powerful Saturn working in cahoots with Libra is going to make sure that during this transit, we all learn how to live gracefully and graciously, how to be balanced, how to be honest and how to embrace and enforce justice. Saturn in Libra also wants to make sure all of our relationships are as balanced, authentic and healthy as possible. Those relationships that aren’t will be done away with under Saturn’s stern eye. Saturn will teach us all these lessons by any means necessary. I personally have become well acquainted with Saturn; He was present for my Saturn Return from 2007 until 2009, and has been rolling around in my first house since. He has made sure that I have been living as balanced a life as possible. Whew!
What has been on our side is that Saturn in exalted in Libra, which means that Saturn is in his best possible form while being in Libra. Instead of a whack on the back of the head, Saturn in Libra will instead give you a slap on the wrist or a pat on the knee. In October, Saturn will find himself in Scorpio, the sign of sex, politics, death and rebirth. Scorpio is intense and takes no prisoners. Scorpio wants to dig down to the nitty gritty of each and every one of us, and will not accept anything less than total self awareness. So. If any of you have any nasty little skeletons in the closets, personal demons that need wrassalin’, do it now while Saturn is in the lovely pink haze of Libra. Because once Saturn moves into Scorpio, we better be ready for the personal rebirth that Scorpio demands.
Next week we will discuss Uranus, Pluto and Jupiter’s direct impact on your life, and your year in 2012.